Thursday, April 10, 2014



I know it's been a while, sorry bout that. Our internet connection has had problems, our family has had problems, and I've had very little typing time. Besides, nothing has really happened that seems worth mentioning. Until today.

drumroll please!!!

Lovely complex!!!!!!

I've heard about this anime ever since I was a midget watching Zatch Bell and Digimon but I avoided it for so long because, well-let's face it. That is the corniest, girliest name you can create. I figured it'd be just like any other Shoujo, girl falls for guy with no reason behind her actions, girl has voice that's like needles on a chalkboard, girl makes a fool o herself and he kisses her and makes it all better.

But in the end, I surrendered to the temptation. I just finished writing a rape scene and was so desperate for something cute and cute and not tragic and not sadistic and horrible and everything awful that that scene was. Hashtag I'm a monster >_<
I looked all over youtube for the number one Shoujo and everyone say this is the very very best.
24 episodes in three days and now I can honestly say, I agree with everyone.

Risa is a tall girl who's best friend/rival is Otani- a really short guy. They fight and insult each other and punch each other all the time, so they're kind of famous around the school as a comedy duo.
Well after going all through school jokingly hating each other and always calling the other one names, one Christmas things change. Otani shows what a sweetypie he is and Risa's heart is no match for Cupids onslaught of arrows.  Then they kiss, get all lovydovey and have kids right? Wrong.

Otani has never seen her that way, never considered it as an option and so when Risa confesses- he thinks it a joke.
The show is Risa's struggle to find a guy,  and then when she does- to make him see her as a girl.  I can't say more without huge spoilers so let's stop there.

OHMYGOSH. They're so cute! Their banter and punching each other then being begrudgingly sweet is so much like me and the guy I like it's creepy! I think I've found my Anime twin! The only differences are I like being tall and she hates it, and my guy is a little bit taller than me(though I've suffered all the stuff they listed for being tall) And I didn't technically get rejected, but my advances are kind of on hold. He won't date for a few years so I have to wait- which is just as painful as a rejection some days.

So yeah, I feel kinda biased about this one. I can relate so much to this show and so I really really got into it, cheering for Risa, shouting at Risa, egging Otani on, Shouting "JUST KISS HER YOU FOOL" At Otani. When things were going well for them, I was on cloud 9. When things were rough I was suffering(Suffering even more than usual because mom was busy so I couldn't talk to her, or Lily or anyone and was just drowning in my emotions)

Out of all that, wanna know what I like the most about this one?

It's Real.

Real good and bad days, real relations, real expressions.

I can't begin to explain all the hilarious facial expressions in this anime and im too lazy to save all those pics and upload them so here comes screenshots.

They may not be attractive, but they fit the scenario so well, causing anger or sadness or laughing uncontrollably in the audience. it's sooooo funny and sweet and REAL!

The girl acts tough, but she has insecurities and flaws and makes mistakes. She's not some superwoman- she needs help, she needs support. She doesn't always have the right words to say, she doesn't always do the right thing and that is okay!

Otani is a stubborn rude little midget. He's mean and rude and caring and sweeter than any prince in a storybook. He gets flustered and shouts and laughs and rocks out to Umibouzu and HE HAS REAL EMOTIONS! They didn't make him ridiculously sweet, they didn't make him overly buff and brutish. He was as real as you and me(although for all you know, I could be a hamster unicorn. and for all I know you could be a robot. actually, nah. I think robots would comment. you could very well be a caterpillar.)

One thing I love so much is the supporting cast. Anime- and real people tv- oftentimes leave out the friends, or make the friendship stiff and completely unreal. This one didn't. THis one had parents and kooky grandparents and neighbors and teachers and friends and rivals- and they're so well developed, so brilliantly displayed so that they could be your own neighbors! That's how well you know them in the end! I could write a story about them so easily with all the data they gave on everyone- but I won't. I really think the way this anime finished is fine. I don't want to do add more because it's already exactly what it needs to be. There's no need to change a single thing! Do you know how rare it is for me to say that? I can find a flaw in anything! I don't want to read fanfictions, I don't want to write them, I'm not even sure if I want to read the manga!!!! I saw people saying the manga is better, but I'm so content with this that I don't want anything to ruin this moment....but at the same time I really want to see more of the story that wasn't in the show...ARGH!

This happened with No. 6. My alltime favorite anime, more than Lovely complex, more than Toradora. I've been dying to read the original novel that made it happen- and now.... my opinion hasn't changed. But, well I guess my perspective did. I love the novel, but a part of me wishes I'd never read it so that I wouldn't be so conflicted. I couldn't write for ages because I was looking at my fanfiction and going hmmm should I put this reference from the book in? Before the book I had a clear idea of what I wanted from the show to go in, but this threw so many extra questions until I got completely flustered.

I don't want to read any stories with this one, except maybe a few with Nobu and Nakao- the side characters that are so stinkin awesome. Or maybe I could put Seiko and...that black haired punk. what's his name..... *googles* Kohori. Yup. I can ship him and Seiko-chi together big time so I might do some cute fluff with them, or maybe one where Seiko is bullied and Kohori has to not be a little wussy punk.

Holy. Crap. Ohmygosh.
I just realized something. Kohori has black hair with one red streak in his bangs.
The guy I like has black hair and wants to have red bangs. Ohmygosh. OHMYGOSH. OHMYGOSH THIS IS FREAKY! THERES NO END TO THE SIMILARITIES AHHHH!!!

Okay. That's enough writing for now. I gotta go post these tragic chapters and try and figure out why I'm so sick in the head. Then I'm laying down, I'm emotionally exhausted from my book and the show- and it's that lovely time of month where I sob "WHY COULDNT I BE BORN A GUY D8" over and over while cuddling my cat close to me. Yup. Gotta go!
OH! Ps- Lovely Complex is the Supernatural of the anime world. If you need a gif- there's a LC gif for that!