Thursday, May 8, 2014



*happy sigh* John Legend is amazing. Why cant more songs be like this?


Greetings you 580 beauties who find my ramblings amusing enough to keep reading them. Today I have something interesting to talk about.  I'm pretty sure everyone knows Taylor Swift? Has heard the name? Something about taylor swift has crossed your path at some point or other.  Well I was on facebook yesterday and there was a Tswift hater posting things that ended up on my news feed. Curious I started looking and read through comments for why they hate her so much and get this.(this has happened a lot, if you like someone you're bound to find haters challenging your likes so this time I wanted to find out why)

A)It's because she has dated too many guys. B)It's because her songs are about guys.C) It's because she's country- or was. or sorta is. idek. D) It's because she's white.


A)Ohhhmygosh she hasn't found the guy of her dreams and she's been cheated on a lot and dumped and heartbroken and has broken hearts before and she happens to have a talent that she releases that frustration through ohmygosh that slut! *le gasp* You know. I bet she even bathes..naked. *shocked exclamations of overdramaticalness*

B)She sings about guys? Would you like a link to all the girls singing about dudes? It'd be easier to find ones that don't and that would be Evanescence(actually she does too but mostly her songs are just beautifully dark without much of the male species being involved). But seriously. ACTUALLY NO.

1- contrary to popular belief- she does sing about things besides boys. Never Grow Up, Innocent,  I know there's more but right now I'm listening to Story of Us and I can't think of others.

2- It's not that she sings about dudes. Its that she doesn't sing about them sexually. Seriously. I heard a Kesha song that was basically her saying for him to shut his mouth and unzip his pants. No one bats an eye. This was uncensored on the radio. Nothing. Taylor swift sings about a guy hurting her or a guy who isn't worth her time or a guy she likes- tons of haters everywhere. Not saying Kesha doesn't have haters, but I don't really care about that so bad to Taylor.

C) Ohmygosh she's country I hate her! THEN CHANGE THE CHANNEL. THEN DONT CLICK HER VIDEOS. SO EASY! Seriously. There are very few rap songs I like. Why? My favorite word is not nigga. So do I listen to rap and insult it? Do I click every rappers videos and insult them down in the comments? No because I have a brain!

D) Oh gosh! That taylor is just so, so white!
I'm sorry, when did that become an insult? And for the record- that insult sucks. So much. Yup. She's white. She's been white and I pray that she stays white and doesn't get some shady surgery and go dark. She is white and so are a lot of people on the earth. They're no better and no worse than any other soul on this floating rock. Her being white does not mean she has no talent and it doesn't automatically mean she's amazing.

oh and I'm adding another reason people hate Taylor. her songs are unrealistic and no one can relate to them. Hahaha! I laugh when I hear this one. Seriously? Lets see what unrealistic and unrelatable songs I can think of- Paparazzi. Old but gold but unrealistic. You will love me because I will follow you around in my van. Did anyone troll facebook over that unrealisticness? How bout one everyone says is relatable-

FIRST OF ALL what song is she listening to with a grey goose? Blood stains? I can relate to that- it happens once a month. That's the only relatable part of this.
And no one notices the hypocrisy of her getting rich by saying we'll never get rich? This song screams you are broke and that wont change so just accept it and it makes me sick. I couldn't even listen I just like fastforwarded through the slides to find what I wanted cuz I didn't want to gag. But no. Hardly any Haters with this one.


The world is screwed up on so many levels. So much hypocrisy and I hate hypocrites but I'm one too so I cant say much more than a small blog post.

Oooh! I used an epic quote that I want to be posted for the world to see cuz I was just like holy crap that came out deep!

So one of my friends was considering suicide. Wasn't gonna do it but- I think everyone wants to disappear at one point or another. Just to see how people would react or something. Anyway I said this fabulous gold nugget.

"life sucks but its temporary. The oneway ticket to hell sucks for all eternity. Trust me, it aint worth it."

and then we both looked at each other and were like "dude.. that's really cool how you worded that." and im like "holy snap I know right!"

And yeah. don't do suicide kiddos. or adultos. or cheerios- unless suicide is me eating you in which case DIE FOOL DIE!

hehe. yeah. Maeko out~ <3

okay nothing is on my desktop right now so im going to pictures file and im kinda scared of what could appear ._.

<--I have no idea. feel free to comment

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