Monday, September 30, 2013

One week- one post. And somehow, it's not the longest one I've written :c

September 24-30. No blogs. Shame on me. And a buttload of stuff has happened in this time, there's no way I can put it all on one blog post but i'll try to summarize.

23rd- after the post a lot happened but I was way too lazy to write more. Let's see, in about 40 minutes I caught a gecko, named it Ribbet. Ribbet gave me these pitiful lizard eyes and I let him go, I'll find a lizard that's okay with captivity.

I ate some sour patch kids that had expired in 2007 and got sick, stepped in water right as lightning struck and lost feeling in my leg for an hour--- and then went to sleep.

24th- let's see.... tuesday what happened tuesday... oh! Riight tuesday. I'll sum it up with a screenshot
I was bummed for about thirty minutes and then actual friends came along and turned my sulking session into one of the funnest conversations we've ever had.

Also- anyone know the anime No. 6? No? Didn't think so. I can't say I recommend it but I love it. Anyway, I'm obsessed with it again, I never completely stopped being, I just stopped watching it. Well its dubbed now, and  I've never been so excited for something in my life, not even the Catching Fire premier or my first dance or anything.  Ask anyone- I counted down for months and I watched the moment it came out...... and it was the worst thing I've ever heard. I came up with enough new insults to fill a dictionary after that.

 Everyone was decent,  bearable- except the ONLY HOT GUY IN THERE! THE CHARACTER THAT IF I COULD MARRY ANY FICTION CHARACTER IT WOULD BE HIM, his voice was scum. He's this mysterious guy with a low, beautiful voice and this guy.... he sounds like a kid just going through puberty! It's horrible and it's not just me thinking this there's not a single good review on his voice! Everyone hates it it's horrible its not even acting, its just noise!! So so so bad I don't know what they were thinking. That's been a few months back and when I first watched I couldn't make it through a single episode. I cried. I cried and I ranted for hours and to anyone who listened-even if they had no idea what in the heck i was talking about.

For the next months I completely blocked that disgusting disgrace from my brain.  Then I just re-got addicted and I was looking around and found a sight that shows it dubbed. I feel almost like I'm insulting the show if I don't watch every version of it, so I clicked the dubbed and typed in a random episode. He was emotionless at the most emotionless times and sounded like he was laughing when he was supposed to be straight faced. I called up my last hope for sanity(you know who you are) and played her his voice-she hadn't heard it- and she was like "What is this this is not acting!" And then it occured to me- Nezumi sings. He sings the voice of an angel and if they let this scum of the earth mess up his singing voice I will track down everyone responsible for this and tear them to shreds!!! We searched for the episode that he sings- and thank all things holy- they left his japanese singing voice in. 

I'm taking up too much space so I'll sum it up and move on. Eardrums were shattered, tears were shed and insults were thrown into the air.

Oh! Nezumi in the show is known for singing for the wounded and they die peacefully because his voice calms them. After putting his songs on replay for an unknown amount of time I've decided and announced that if I die somewhere that I can hear music-I want to die hearing his songs. Unless I'm in a car crash or something, and if thats the case then tell the Ambulance to play it. I dunno, I just wanna hear it if there's any way to do that :]

Anyone who actually bothers to read this is probably wondering what the heck my dear wonderful Nezumi sounds like right about now. Here's his three songs, in the order of how much I love em :3

And just one fanmade AMV because I can't resist

Moving on


 Church day. I love church, I love it I do. So there's some girls who either their parents don't approve and only let them come to a few things, or they're just plain inactive. All of us churchies baked cookies, put them in these origami boxes and went from each girls house. The plan was to invite them to come with us to the park later that night for ice cream an d just hanging out. None of them were home. Keep in mind I'm the new kid in this bunch and don't judge them without thinking of how you would act.

The ride was awkward at first- I was squished against a window while two inseparable friends took duck face selfies and listened to Justin Beiber.

 Kill me now.
Just hurry up, end the misery please I beg you!

After a little bit it became clear that everyone was uncomfortable and they stopped and it was fun. I actually get along with one of them, if the other isn't around. She's cool and funny. The rest of the ride involved waving at strangers, punching each other, burping contests, insulting celebrities.. We got to the park and all the fun vanished. Just like always- the moment there was a way to get away from me they took it. We got ice cream and were playing on this enormous playground at the park. Everywhere I'd go they'd leave. I ended up sitting on the swings with my chocolate for the entire time. One girl- the girl who actually has my first and middle name in common- came over but she left after a minute.

Came home, did a project- the end of that day.

Thursday-I spent pretty much all day(except schoolwork) on online worlds catching up on roleplays, breeding my kitties, ectera ectetera. I watched Springbreakers- which I DO NOT RECOMMEND! Nothing good can come from watching that movie, you end up staring dully at a screen adn when its done going "What the heck did i just watch?"  It was sick, twisted, bad in every form of the word, and I felt really bad for the characters in the end. Not worth wasting braincells on.
Oh and I got a jaw ache

Friday- Something big is coming Saturday and mom took me shopping. We went to Cato's  and they had exactly what I was hoping for, with the exception of a necklace- which we found one store over.
Mom's trying to get me in to the dentist over this pain but they're booked for at least another week >_<

Saturday- I won't go into how awesomely redneck that day was, it's too much for one post. All I'll say is I had a blast-despite the butt smacking my face (*shudders* I'm still traumatized from that) and the less than amazing Mule pull :P  I got a teddy bear from it named Pepsi, delicious food and had so much fun with everyone!   Also- apparently I'm married :P  XD
My jaw is hurting like nothing I've ever felt but it's also my neck and ears.

Sunday- Church started with forty or fifty kids reading their lines and either deafening us or making us strain to hear, then singing(screaming) us to death. It ended with five tables of food- and more but there wasn't enough to fit on all the tables :v   I hardly scratched the surface of what was available and I only enjoyed the Spaghetti weirdly enough :o I was in so much pain all day long, I fell asleep the moment we got home. I'm beginning to think my Jaw isn't the main problem, but that's like an aftershock of the real issue.
I didn't get to sleep till 5 am and I had to be up at 6.  Somewhere between 11 and 3 I wrote a chapter of a new book- the link will be down below.

I told mom (in very rude, brutally honest ways) that I'm not capable of being around humans, I can barely stand and I'm in agonizing pain and--yeah no way I'm going anywhere. Fell asleep again and stayed asleep till almost noon.
It's 5 pm now, I'm about to die from this pain.   Mom came home dead tired- she's having almost the same level of pain in different forms. She's napping and then we're going to get this ear cleansing thing, see if my ears are the reason for all of this. It hurts so bad, and it's constant. My body isn't adjusting to it like some lasting pains will do, it's just constantly white hot and I feel like crying.
I watched Silver Linings Playbook. It had me wondering if sanity was even a real thing or if some people are just better at hiding their madness than others?

 Very twisted and not good.. but I enjoyed it. It's like Perks of a Wallflower- once you get past the plethera of bad content the story is amazing and you love the characters. Like,seriously these two gained a friendship by talking about which medications had messed them up the most! It was insane and I loved it!
You can decide if it's worth it or not, something tells me either you'll love it or hate it. 
It had amazing quotes so even if you don't watch it, google search it's quotes and you'll find something you enjoy :3

That's it for today,  here's my story link and then I'm out 

It's not a happy story and I don't think a bunch of you will like it once it gets more intense, but so far I think you'll like it :) :D And look at that Review- that totally amazing review that completely made my day!

Alright, I'm out. Wave bye to the world, Pepsi.  *Pepsi waves bye* You just got waved at by a bear with a mohawk, nothing can beat that.

Comment if you want, Follow if you want, Do whatever you feel like doing. Bye Peoples!!!!

Monday, September 23, 2013

(WORLDS LONGEST BLOG POST ) I feel loved even if I can't dance(hats,stories, creepy music, insane commercials, cups, hot guys, and chicks)

30 views. Thirty views. 10 x 3 views. What. The. Bloody. Heck. Oh. My. Gosh. WHAT!?!  You people need a hobby.. NOPE! No ignore my foul mouth, stop it Livia, shut up let the nice people do what they want.

Okay. Spaz attack is over, you're safe(relatively).I'm in a colorful mood so each topic will be in a different color :3

Let's see how can I start?
 Well this weekend will go down in history as the worst weekend ever and naturally time decided to be a snail to make it last forever. My Pawpaw Wes has lung cancer and its gotten really bad really really quick so instead of going into the city for crazy reasons the entire family headed down to the boondocks(the country, the middle of nowhere, the deadzone that phone commercials show) to be with him for what could be the last time. I met relatives I never knew existed and saw ones I hadn't seen in a while, only to watch them all sob like children with no candy...
And of course the sky decided to be gray and dreary and look exactly like those emo moments in movies. Truly tragic. I couldn't stand all the tears and hate being seen so upset  so I went out and sat on  the porchswing(that was actually not on a porch and it had cup holders which made it officially the coolest handmade porchswing ever) and ended up falling asleep in the rain.  Not a good idea, I don't recommend it at all. Unless of course you're trying to be sick so you can get out of something in which case it's a brilliant and not at all painful way to become sick.

Before I go on I might want to clarify something. Pawpaw is not my grandpa. He's actually my grandma's stepbrother who pretty much raised her side of the family and is the nicest most awesome sweet, funny man ever.  The world will be a much darker place not getting to hug Pawpaw. So, yes we stayed there for several hours, far too many and I slept in order to pass the time. When we finally left we headed to my grandparents place. My grandma is bedridden and was sobbing that she'd never get to see her brother again. My mom's sister brought her family down which includes my two cousins and his evil father and his poor friend.

When I say my cousin is pure evil I mean it. We call him Eeyore, which if you look up in wikipedia it says this : Eeyore is a character in the Winnie-the-Pooh books by A. A. Milne. He is generally characterized as a pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, anhedonic, old grey stuffed donkey who is a friend of the title character, Winnie-the-Pooh.

Take out the stuffed part and that fits him perfectly. He's always been a menace but this time he was absolutely horrible. He's always rude to his mom but this time we were sitting in the kitchen and his dad said something(his dad is a very scary very big very don't mess with me kind of man) and he goes "Oh shut up dad!" And my eyes went something like this
And I'm sitting here expecting to see him get his butt tore up, but no, his dad just sips his coffee and lets him get away with that. Un-friggin-believable.
Then he brought this friend with him home cause they had to do a school project(which they didn't do) and he was so mean! They became friends because cousin saved him from some bullies, but now who's going to save him from cousin? It was horrible, I had to smack him multiple times and tell him to quit being mean, which resulted in a punch to the stomach and being told to stay out of it.

Note: Keeping out of it is not at all my talent. Due to this instinct to defend I ended up getting the snot beat out of me, physically and verbally and I now have an enormous black bruise covering most of my stomach.
 Usually we fight but it's just yelling lame insults and then storming off and then we end up apologizing and hanging out and catching bugs or snakes or stuff that he can't do in the city. This time there was none of that, except one time when all four of us ended up wrestling on the bed and that was fun until the youngest fell off and landed on the cold tile and started screaming. Then cousin got his butt tore up and he blamed me for it and... yeah. Thus ends the fun side of him. After that is when he started punching more and I started kicking. Let it be known, he has more bruises, I aimed everywhere, I just have a big one because he aimed at the exact same spot each time.

The last day,  Sunday that we were with them once again lasted forever and cousins and I pretty much stayed in two different areas of the grandparents house for fear of what would happen if we were around each other.
 Then both moms decide to send us out to play football. Here's the thing: I can play football. I don't like it but I can play. However, after such a sucky weekend, being sent to get tackled by the person who has declared he hates me is never smart. For some reason which I'll blame on sleeping in rain, my legs were like pillars of stone, I could hardly move much less run much less get away from the boys charging me.   Add to that that the sun had finally revealed it's filthy maggot-filled face and was blinding me(My eyes are ridiculously sensitive to light) I ended up under 250 pounds of ugly sweaty body and having my face stabbed by a root. My cheek looks like Wolverine clawed me.

When they finally left I texted everyone to stay away while I slept and passed out hoping to never open my eyes again.  Two hours later mom wakes me that we have to drive three hours in order to see dad who has decided to pop in unnacounced and demand to be the center of attention. You're probably really sick of my family crap by now so I'll leave it at "Ugh" and move on.  To close I was up until 3 comforting my non blood related sister and terrifying her boyfriend with my Drill Sargent mode :P

Wheeeee Monday! No one will ever love you as much as I do on this glorious one! Monday ohmygosh Monday you are my love I could kiss you and hug you and never let you go! Wonderful wonderful Monday.

So, at long last it is  Monday, and I called in sick everywhere I would've had to be so that I could spend my time being wonderfully, deliciously sick. Okay maybe not deliciously, that sounds wrong. Wonderfully, magically sick. No... we're just gonna go with Wonderfully sick.

I have recently been informed that I have the head of a hippie and if I had a van and didn't wear so much black I'd be the perfect hippie. I am the farthest from a hippie but okay, thanks I guessss ?

Also I have come to realize that I love hats. I don't know how I''m just now seeing this but I have more hats than I do clothes and i wear them all the time. I have a patchwork hobo hat, countless cowgirl hats, fluffy hats, top hats, and this one totally awesome plaid messenger hat that looks slightly like this one but much more epic

oh and here's the patchwork hat- also much cuter than this version
No more hats.  Okay moving  on. So there's a bunch of church dances and usually I just stand around talking when it's not a slow dancebut for some reason this morning i felt like learning some actual dances to do. Of course- where do I go? Youtube! Google had tons of twerking links so yes, bad google. Did you know there's a dance called The Oreo? And I just so happen to have oreos in the house(courtesy of grandparents) so I ate them and then attempted the dance.  Did. Not. Work. Whales on  stilt legs in lava can dance better than I can, and they dont even have feet! So yes, I had a moment of depression when I realized how truly dreadful my dancing skills are. It's horrific I'm not even joking I looked like a calf who just learned how to walk.  Reaaaally bad, but laughably so, it was fun either way.  Okay my computer is being weird and not letting me skip lines so this next part is going be be very crowded, I apologize.   I'm gonna publish this and then come back and edit it and see if that works any better. fingerss crossed. Yay it worked! But it won't let this get unbolded so... yup.  

Next topic: Poopourie. 
You know those commercials that you kind of laugh at how stupid it is.. but then you think about it and it'd actually be nice to have it? This is one of them. I am trying to move on quickly so I'll just link it and end at that.

Creepy Music! I love all kinds of music, in several different languages. And one of the genres i like is dark music. Music that sane people usually don't listen to, or maybe they do with headphones when no one is around. Not me. I put it as ringtones, blare it with my pocket amplifier and terrorize the sweet innocent neighbors. The one I'm talking about right now is The Horror of our Love by i don't know who(thats not the band, I just don't know the name). I found a Black Butler AMV of it and after twenty times of hearing it I decided to make a playlist, put one video in and put it on repeat. And make it a ringtone. That song is seriously the most twisted, sadistic song ever made and.... I'm hooked. I got up at 11 today and until ten minutes ago when I got the urge to hear Check Yes Juliet I have been playing it nonstop and singing along(poor neighbors). Yes. Something is wrong with me but oh well. It's not changing anytime soon so I may as well enjoy it. Moving on.

We have the cutest cups ever. My dad saw this enormous box of cups in walmart a while back and bought like twenty of them. Normally we'd be like "Nooo we could've used that money on other things!" but these things... are adorable. They're little monsters that on one side have cute faces and on the other have a quick phrase. The one that I'm drinking out of right now is a blue polka dot monster with a bandage on his head and super sharp teeth and he says Think Happy Thoughts and it's so cute and I'm trying to come up with a name for this cup. I'm thinking Freddy. Freddy the blue cup. Yes. Freddy, say hi to the blog people. "Hello!" Blog people say hi to Freddy!(hint hint wink wink comment) So yes, I love freddy and all the others of his kind, they are the best cups in the whole world.  Next topic:

Hot Guys!  There's this anime called Hakuouki. It's based on an Otome game and it is an alltime favorite- not because of the plot, the art, the music(which is great) or even the characters. I love this anime because me and my friends have so many memories as a result of this anime. Ah, I'm laughing just thinking of this one time but that's a whole huge long story. The art is pretty good, I love the music, the plot is kind of stupid...  The characters hmm. Okay for those who don't know what an Otome game is it's a game where one girl finds her self being surrounded by guys who fall for her for no real reason. In this case its a supernatural/ historical story, taking place in old Japan. There's a girl who is the dumbest girl ever. A disgrace to my species who pretty much gasps, runs in slow motion and gets herself in danger to where people get hurt saving her- AND THE GUYS LOVE HER.  Every single one, even the old guys(in the game)! I adore the guys, they're all so awesome and each cool in their own way.... but the plot and this stupid girl... it kills me how bad it is. Mostly we just roleplay with the guys and read fanfictions because they guys are awesome when not in that plot and you can take that girl out completely :P  If you like hot, sweet, funny
guys then this is one to watch but if you're watching for a stunning plot and great acting then go somewhere else. Moving on:

 I put my writing on a site called Figment and the thing with figment is, you put your story up then go around asking people to read and comment on it and then you'll read one of theirs in return. So I have 60 stories up(HUGE ACHIEVEMENT WHOO!!and I had sent around some swap requests. This girl,t his totally awesome girl I know as Persephone was just asked to read one of them. Not only did she read 3 of them but she left the sweetest coolest most encouraging comments and they totally made my day! Then in return I read one of hers and it was sooo cool! A really twisted version of little red riding hood, how cool is that!! I'm gonna give you a link to her because I adore her now Tada! Now you can click on the awesomeness that is Persephone. Oh and add this to her awesomeness: She lives on a greek island! I have a friend in Greece that's so cooll!!!!!! So between her and another writing friend who I found out is telling people to read my stories I have been in the best mood ever,  which is crazy cool after how awful the weekend has been.

Hmm last topic: A super awesome guy friend(you know who you are) that I'll refer to as Farmboy had one of the chicks hatch today while I was talking to him and- me being me- we absolutely had to name the little fluffball. Please welcome Carmine/Greg to the world of the living, the coolest chick in all of the states! I got the name Carmine from Persephone's story btw, that's how awesome it is. Greg just felt like a chicken name, and only a chicken name.

That's all the time we have for today, mom's home and I'm hungry. If you want to drop a comment, I'd love to know some of you 30 people. If not, don't, it won't hurt my feelings too much.

I'll throw in some random images just because

Xoxo~ Livi

Friday, September 20, 2013

A lot of stuff including but not limited to Nail polish update, weather(cause I'm just that lame) and some super awesome secret stuff.

Hello world! 

What. The. Bloody. Heck.
 16 page views since yesterday... and only four of you are my friends..... WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???!?!?  ;) Nah.. just joking. Seriously though, that's whack but I like it soooo keep it up, kay?  ^^

Let's see..  a lot has happened and it's only 1pm here....  and you'll have to excuse my vapidness(new word that i'm determined to use at any opportunity :3 ), I'm multitasking five things plus this so I might be a little ditsy :P

There's a bunch of topics but each are bolded so if you don't like one just skip to the next okay? :)

I guess I'll start with Nail polish. 
So I did my nails last night, they were already silver and so I just added the green.  I was originally going to make them have just a single stripe going down the middle, but then on my left hand I had a few chips in the silver so on my index finger I did two stripes and then from there I got cocky and put a super awesome cross on the thumb. It looked absolutely amazing, if I ever for some reason have my own national flag it will be silver with a green cross, it was epic.

 The polish itself was super runny at first and so I had to sit with my hand in front of the fan for forever before it solidified. I did a second coat and it looked better, less se through. I let it dry and then did the clear protective coat.  I've never had trouble with this before, usually I put it on and then let it dry and boom my nails could survive a nuclear explosion and not chip. Last night, when I desperately wanted that.... it didn't happen.  

What  started out looking like some friggin professional did my nails turned into them looking like a tractor ran them over.  They acted dry and they had been in front of a fan for like forty minutes each altogether but then i started doing stuff and I felt them being ruined >< 
Seriously annoying and frustrating, when I left the house today I kept my hands in my pockets all day ._. it seriously was baaad. But oh well, this next part blew this completely out of the water :3

Better than Christmas by a country mile.
So each morning of the week I leave my cave at the crack of dawn, and one of mom's friends comes to pick me up. She takes me and her daughter to seminary, which is an LDS teenager's version of bible study in the morning I guess... anyway. So today when she dropped me back off at the house she says she has something for me. I'm half asleep and thinking of how wonderful my pillow will feel when I hit it and then she hops out and goes to the trunk. I walk over just as she's pulling out.... a skateboard.
. . . I don't think you heard me. Let me repeat. I GOT A FREE SKATEBOARD!!!!!!!!! ME! ME, I OWN A SKATEBOARD AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

I think I hugged her 7 times before I went inside and called every friend with a phone to squeal nonsense into their ears. 

There's an unspoke rule between us homeschoolers, no calling before 10. I totally broke it by three hours ^_^ but oh well. 
But yes, let me find a picture.....


Yes.. wow that was awesome. So I rip the wrapping off and there's a pricetag... $99.99.

One hundred bucks that would've taken me months to earn... and she's like "I saw this and thought of you so I bought it" like it's no big deal. Maybe it wasn't but it so is to me ohmygosh people do you know how huge this is?!??!?!!  Now all I need is an Xbox and I'll be in heaven. 

Of course I have to point out the other side of this. If you look closely you can see that every bit of this thing is white.... white gets dirty very easily. The moment I got it out I got on it and went around the house... when I got off there are very easy to spot brown smudges where my feet had been ._. 
I might sharpie this baby up a bit so the brown is less blantantly obvious and because I like lots of colors and this is in need of some color.  Who knows, I might or I might not. 

Another reason this is so awesome, there's a really clean awesome park a few miles down the road that has an ENORMOUS area to skateboard and usually a bunch of us go there and sit on the swings staring at the guys in rollerblades and on their boards and dream of us being them.  Today mom said she was going to take me.. but now the radio just screamed that theres flash flood frickin warnings in our area >_< Stupid rain, I love you to death but i could kill you right now.   -sigh-   Oh well, fingers crossed it clears up in the next day or two, I am a very impatient person and I can't wait very long.

Let's see, what else was I gonna talk about...? Oh! Right.
So I'm pretty sure everyone on the internet knows about Pewdiepie right? If not you should. I adore him, I got into him because a friend sent me an Amnesia scene and told me that he's a guy version of me with an accent.  Seriously, except for a few things he says its like he is a genderswap of me(with prettier eyes)! But no, no more talking about him today. Actually I'm talking about his girlfriend, Marzia.

 Most people are caring about Kanye and Kardashian chick, whatever her name is. I'm caring about Marzia and Felix, they are adorable!!!!  And she, she is the cutest thing!!! How soft she talks and her accent and how sweet she is while still liking all things scary, she is actually an exact replica(just more famous) of my favorite (non related) older sister.    <3 So yes, I adore her and today I was watching her Ready for Fall Haul  on Fashion and I realized that I haven't done any online window shopping in a very,very long time and that just won't do. So yes, add computer window shopping to the list of things I'm doing when I should be focusing all my energy on this post. It's Fall and I have zero clothes ready for the weather... which it's been 99 degrees and 84% humidity but.. I'd like some new clothes for whenever things cool off :P
[ Warning: a bunch of links   ]
I'm looking at this stuff and trying to find DIY versions of them... Aside from the super cute anime schoolgirl skirts in Oasap, I could pretty much remake most of these these outfits if I wasn't so lazy :P 
Okay I'm not very good at talking clothes, as I'm sure you can tell I don't do it much, so I'm going to shut up now.  I forgot what else I wanted to add...oh, wait it's coming back to me!

Pokemon!!! I haven't watched Pokemon in ages, and I haven't seen any of the latest.. nothing past Diamond and Pearl :p 
But during the move to this house I found a bunch of figurines and plushies and my Breyer Horses and stuff and ever since I've been playing with my little Eevee and my Celebi and Minun and Plussel all the time, like a little kid again. Then yesterday I looked around and realized that I can't find very much art with Minun and Plussel who are my new favorite pokemon. That will not do, so as soon as I finish coloring this fall pinkette that I showed you yesterday, I am going to attempt to do some pokemon pictures with no base except my teensy weensy little figures! O_O  It may look like poop but I'm going to try, so wish me luck and I'll keep you updated. 

Okay that's all for now, I've forgotten what else I wanted to add so I'm gonna go window shop and try to get this headache to go away. I felt this storm before i saw it, I feel like an old lady >< Lol okay people, have a good one and thanks for wasting your time on my blog :D

Xoxo~ Livi

Thursday, September 19, 2013

First post on the night of the Harvest Moon x3 (Art, Writing, Music, Nail Polish)

Hello Internet world :) 

I've been wanting to do a blog for a while now and today I was reading one called Rambles of a Polish Addict and I finally stopped procrastinating. This blog is going to be about a whole bunch of different topics [anything from Knives and Guns and Pokemon to Boys and Nail Polish] so I left the title neutral. 

To start off I'll go with the topic of Art. Art's a huge topic in my life,  I love art and one of my hobbies is search the internet for cool pictures.  Today I got bored and was scanning Deviantart and found this

by Cartoongirl7 

. . .

So many kid memories ohmygosh! THE COLORS, THE ATTENTION TO DETAIL, THE HIDDEN PUZZLES OHMYGOSH THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!!! You can ask my cat, those were my exact words when I found it.  ^.~

Lol I've just found a new favorite artist, and after finding this I got back into my drawing frenzy. I've been working on a picture for a week or so(it would've been a lot less but I lost my pencils D8 )
And so I started again.

This is the latest scan, but since then I've done the eyes and skin.
My scanner changed the colors a bit, the reddish color is actually a really really light orange, and the purple is more pastel, super light as well. Here's the original base

I'm using Koh-I-Noor brand woodless colored pencils.. This is my first time using them in a while and I haven't figured out how to make a good skin tone yet, so right now she has a very very very light shade of brown as skin color. 

Another drawing I found is by Appon(which constantly makes me think of Tampon >< ) on Zerochan(dot) net :3
She(I call artists she a lot, with no evidence to back it up) is the one behind my layout image too so yeah, I like her :3 

Okay new topic: Writing

I'm working on a new story called Climbing To Heaven. ©®
I'm not completely satisfied with this cover but oh well. I love the stairs thing, it was exactly what I imagined... but I'm super picky on the Fonts and I couldn't find any that I thought did it justice.
Anyway, the story is from several characters point of view about a catastrophic earthquake that's pretty much destroyed a ton of the world. The characters are a Slave, a mayor(or lawyer I can't decide which one), a med student, a high school girl and an assassin  (plus their friends and stuff).  
You can find my stories here btw:

The title is inspired by a line out of Breaking Benjamin's song Unknown Soldier that says "You'll find me climbing to heaven" and when I was writing this I couldn't think of anything else <3

New Topic: Nail Polish 

Okay one thing you're going to figure out soon is that I have one color nail polish that is my signature color.
Silver. I try a lot of things out but my first and favorite color is silver. A few weeks ago daddy bought me a new brand of silver which is Pure Ice brand's color Silver Star. 
I don't know why it looks that way in the picture but for my fingers...each one looks like a different work of art that should be up in a museum. Seriously, it looks so cool, some are swirly and some look layered and the other day in the shower(I've done a new coat since then) I was in the shower and I looked at my pinky finger and it looked like a bead of water had collected... it was the nail polish and it looked sooooooo cool!!! :D
Now just a few days ago I got this new color  L.A Colors Color Craze;Scream
And I haven't used it yet. I'm thinking of doing it Silver with a Green stripe going straight down the middle. I'm going to do that tonight.. right after I finish my last minute  homework that I forgot about DX I'm going to end this here and go do hw so I can turn it in tomorrow. 

Nighty night peoples

Xoxo~ Livi