Friday, September 20, 2013

A lot of stuff including but not limited to Nail polish update, weather(cause I'm just that lame) and some super awesome secret stuff.

Hello world! 

What. The. Bloody. Heck.
 16 page views since yesterday... and only four of you are my friends..... WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE???!?!?  ;) Nah.. just joking. Seriously though, that's whack but I like it soooo keep it up, kay?  ^^

Let's see..  a lot has happened and it's only 1pm here....  and you'll have to excuse my vapidness(new word that i'm determined to use at any opportunity :3 ), I'm multitasking five things plus this so I might be a little ditsy :P

There's a bunch of topics but each are bolded so if you don't like one just skip to the next okay? :)

I guess I'll start with Nail polish. 
So I did my nails last night, they were already silver and so I just added the green.  I was originally going to make them have just a single stripe going down the middle, but then on my left hand I had a few chips in the silver so on my index finger I did two stripes and then from there I got cocky and put a super awesome cross on the thumb. It looked absolutely amazing, if I ever for some reason have my own national flag it will be silver with a green cross, it was epic.

 The polish itself was super runny at first and so I had to sit with my hand in front of the fan for forever before it solidified. I did a second coat and it looked better, less se through. I let it dry and then did the clear protective coat.  I've never had trouble with this before, usually I put it on and then let it dry and boom my nails could survive a nuclear explosion and not chip. Last night, when I desperately wanted that.... it didn't happen.  

What  started out looking like some friggin professional did my nails turned into them looking like a tractor ran them over.  They acted dry and they had been in front of a fan for like forty minutes each altogether but then i started doing stuff and I felt them being ruined >< 
Seriously annoying and frustrating, when I left the house today I kept my hands in my pockets all day ._. it seriously was baaad. But oh well, this next part blew this completely out of the water :3

Better than Christmas by a country mile.
So each morning of the week I leave my cave at the crack of dawn, and one of mom's friends comes to pick me up. She takes me and her daughter to seminary, which is an LDS teenager's version of bible study in the morning I guess... anyway. So today when she dropped me back off at the house she says she has something for me. I'm half asleep and thinking of how wonderful my pillow will feel when I hit it and then she hops out and goes to the trunk. I walk over just as she's pulling out.... a skateboard.
. . . I don't think you heard me. Let me repeat. I GOT A FREE SKATEBOARD!!!!!!!!! ME! ME, I OWN A SKATEBOARD AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

I think I hugged her 7 times before I went inside and called every friend with a phone to squeal nonsense into their ears. 

There's an unspoke rule between us homeschoolers, no calling before 10. I totally broke it by three hours ^_^ but oh well. 
But yes, let me find a picture.....


Yes.. wow that was awesome. So I rip the wrapping off and there's a pricetag... $99.99.

One hundred bucks that would've taken me months to earn... and she's like "I saw this and thought of you so I bought it" like it's no big deal. Maybe it wasn't but it so is to me ohmygosh people do you know how huge this is?!??!?!!  Now all I need is an Xbox and I'll be in heaven. 

Of course I have to point out the other side of this. If you look closely you can see that every bit of this thing is white.... white gets dirty very easily. The moment I got it out I got on it and went around the house... when I got off there are very easy to spot brown smudges where my feet had been ._. 
I might sharpie this baby up a bit so the brown is less blantantly obvious and because I like lots of colors and this is in need of some color.  Who knows, I might or I might not. 

Another reason this is so awesome, there's a really clean awesome park a few miles down the road that has an ENORMOUS area to skateboard and usually a bunch of us go there and sit on the swings staring at the guys in rollerblades and on their boards and dream of us being them.  Today mom said she was going to take me.. but now the radio just screamed that theres flash flood frickin warnings in our area >_< Stupid rain, I love you to death but i could kill you right now.   -sigh-   Oh well, fingers crossed it clears up in the next day or two, I am a very impatient person and I can't wait very long.

Let's see, what else was I gonna talk about...? Oh! Right.
So I'm pretty sure everyone on the internet knows about Pewdiepie right? If not you should. I adore him, I got into him because a friend sent me an Amnesia scene and told me that he's a guy version of me with an accent.  Seriously, except for a few things he says its like he is a genderswap of me(with prettier eyes)! But no, no more talking about him today. Actually I'm talking about his girlfriend, Marzia.

 Most people are caring about Kanye and Kardashian chick, whatever her name is. I'm caring about Marzia and Felix, they are adorable!!!!  And she, she is the cutest thing!!! How soft she talks and her accent and how sweet she is while still liking all things scary, she is actually an exact replica(just more famous) of my favorite (non related) older sister.    <3 So yes, I adore her and today I was watching her Ready for Fall Haul  on Fashion and I realized that I haven't done any online window shopping in a very,very long time and that just won't do. So yes, add computer window shopping to the list of things I'm doing when I should be focusing all my energy on this post. It's Fall and I have zero clothes ready for the weather... which it's been 99 degrees and 84% humidity but.. I'd like some new clothes for whenever things cool off :P
[ Warning: a bunch of links   ]
I'm looking at this stuff and trying to find DIY versions of them... Aside from the super cute anime schoolgirl skirts in Oasap, I could pretty much remake most of these these outfits if I wasn't so lazy :P 
Okay I'm not very good at talking clothes, as I'm sure you can tell I don't do it much, so I'm going to shut up now.  I forgot what else I wanted to add...oh, wait it's coming back to me!

Pokemon!!! I haven't watched Pokemon in ages, and I haven't seen any of the latest.. nothing past Diamond and Pearl :p 
But during the move to this house I found a bunch of figurines and plushies and my Breyer Horses and stuff and ever since I've been playing with my little Eevee and my Celebi and Minun and Plussel all the time, like a little kid again. Then yesterday I looked around and realized that I can't find very much art with Minun and Plussel who are my new favorite pokemon. That will not do, so as soon as I finish coloring this fall pinkette that I showed you yesterday, I am going to attempt to do some pokemon pictures with no base except my teensy weensy little figures! O_O  It may look like poop but I'm going to try, so wish me luck and I'll keep you updated. 

Okay that's all for now, I've forgotten what else I wanted to add so I'm gonna go window shop and try to get this headache to go away. I felt this storm before i saw it, I feel like an old lady >< Lol okay people, have a good one and thanks for wasting your time on my blog :D

Xoxo~ Livi

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