Monday, September 30, 2013

One week- one post. And somehow, it's not the longest one I've written :c

September 24-30. No blogs. Shame on me. And a buttload of stuff has happened in this time, there's no way I can put it all on one blog post but i'll try to summarize.

23rd- after the post a lot happened but I was way too lazy to write more. Let's see, in about 40 minutes I caught a gecko, named it Ribbet. Ribbet gave me these pitiful lizard eyes and I let him go, I'll find a lizard that's okay with captivity.

I ate some sour patch kids that had expired in 2007 and got sick, stepped in water right as lightning struck and lost feeling in my leg for an hour--- and then went to sleep.

24th- let's see.... tuesday what happened tuesday... oh! Riight tuesday. I'll sum it up with a screenshot
I was bummed for about thirty minutes and then actual friends came along and turned my sulking session into one of the funnest conversations we've ever had.

Also- anyone know the anime No. 6? No? Didn't think so. I can't say I recommend it but I love it. Anyway, I'm obsessed with it again, I never completely stopped being, I just stopped watching it. Well its dubbed now, and  I've never been so excited for something in my life, not even the Catching Fire premier or my first dance or anything.  Ask anyone- I counted down for months and I watched the moment it came out...... and it was the worst thing I've ever heard. I came up with enough new insults to fill a dictionary after that.

 Everyone was decent,  bearable- except the ONLY HOT GUY IN THERE! THE CHARACTER THAT IF I COULD MARRY ANY FICTION CHARACTER IT WOULD BE HIM, his voice was scum. He's this mysterious guy with a low, beautiful voice and this guy.... he sounds like a kid just going through puberty! It's horrible and it's not just me thinking this there's not a single good review on his voice! Everyone hates it it's horrible its not even acting, its just noise!! So so so bad I don't know what they were thinking. That's been a few months back and when I first watched I couldn't make it through a single episode. I cried. I cried and I ranted for hours and to anyone who listened-even if they had no idea what in the heck i was talking about.

For the next months I completely blocked that disgusting disgrace from my brain.  Then I just re-got addicted and I was looking around and found a sight that shows it dubbed. I feel almost like I'm insulting the show if I don't watch every version of it, so I clicked the dubbed and typed in a random episode. He was emotionless at the most emotionless times and sounded like he was laughing when he was supposed to be straight faced. I called up my last hope for sanity(you know who you are) and played her his voice-she hadn't heard it- and she was like "What is this this is not acting!" And then it occured to me- Nezumi sings. He sings the voice of an angel and if they let this scum of the earth mess up his singing voice I will track down everyone responsible for this and tear them to shreds!!! We searched for the episode that he sings- and thank all things holy- they left his japanese singing voice in. 

I'm taking up too much space so I'll sum it up and move on. Eardrums were shattered, tears were shed and insults were thrown into the air.

Oh! Nezumi in the show is known for singing for the wounded and they die peacefully because his voice calms them. After putting his songs on replay for an unknown amount of time I've decided and announced that if I die somewhere that I can hear music-I want to die hearing his songs. Unless I'm in a car crash or something, and if thats the case then tell the Ambulance to play it. I dunno, I just wanna hear it if there's any way to do that :]

Anyone who actually bothers to read this is probably wondering what the heck my dear wonderful Nezumi sounds like right about now. Here's his three songs, in the order of how much I love em :3

And just one fanmade AMV because I can't resist

Moving on


 Church day. I love church, I love it I do. So there's some girls who either their parents don't approve and only let them come to a few things, or they're just plain inactive. All of us churchies baked cookies, put them in these origami boxes and went from each girls house. The plan was to invite them to come with us to the park later that night for ice cream an d just hanging out. None of them were home. Keep in mind I'm the new kid in this bunch and don't judge them without thinking of how you would act.

The ride was awkward at first- I was squished against a window while two inseparable friends took duck face selfies and listened to Justin Beiber.

 Kill me now.
Just hurry up, end the misery please I beg you!

After a little bit it became clear that everyone was uncomfortable and they stopped and it was fun. I actually get along with one of them, if the other isn't around. She's cool and funny. The rest of the ride involved waving at strangers, punching each other, burping contests, insulting celebrities.. We got to the park and all the fun vanished. Just like always- the moment there was a way to get away from me they took it. We got ice cream and were playing on this enormous playground at the park. Everywhere I'd go they'd leave. I ended up sitting on the swings with my chocolate for the entire time. One girl- the girl who actually has my first and middle name in common- came over but she left after a minute.

Came home, did a project- the end of that day.

Thursday-I spent pretty much all day(except schoolwork) on online worlds catching up on roleplays, breeding my kitties, ectera ectetera. I watched Springbreakers- which I DO NOT RECOMMEND! Nothing good can come from watching that movie, you end up staring dully at a screen adn when its done going "What the heck did i just watch?"  It was sick, twisted, bad in every form of the word, and I felt really bad for the characters in the end. Not worth wasting braincells on.
Oh and I got a jaw ache

Friday- Something big is coming Saturday and mom took me shopping. We went to Cato's  and they had exactly what I was hoping for, with the exception of a necklace- which we found one store over.
Mom's trying to get me in to the dentist over this pain but they're booked for at least another week >_<

Saturday- I won't go into how awesomely redneck that day was, it's too much for one post. All I'll say is I had a blast-despite the butt smacking my face (*shudders* I'm still traumatized from that) and the less than amazing Mule pull :P  I got a teddy bear from it named Pepsi, delicious food and had so much fun with everyone!   Also- apparently I'm married :P  XD
My jaw is hurting like nothing I've ever felt but it's also my neck and ears.

Sunday- Church started with forty or fifty kids reading their lines and either deafening us or making us strain to hear, then singing(screaming) us to death. It ended with five tables of food- and more but there wasn't enough to fit on all the tables :v   I hardly scratched the surface of what was available and I only enjoyed the Spaghetti weirdly enough :o I was in so much pain all day long, I fell asleep the moment we got home. I'm beginning to think my Jaw isn't the main problem, but that's like an aftershock of the real issue.
I didn't get to sleep till 5 am and I had to be up at 6.  Somewhere between 11 and 3 I wrote a chapter of a new book- the link will be down below.

I told mom (in very rude, brutally honest ways) that I'm not capable of being around humans, I can barely stand and I'm in agonizing pain and--yeah no way I'm going anywhere. Fell asleep again and stayed asleep till almost noon.
It's 5 pm now, I'm about to die from this pain.   Mom came home dead tired- she's having almost the same level of pain in different forms. She's napping and then we're going to get this ear cleansing thing, see if my ears are the reason for all of this. It hurts so bad, and it's constant. My body isn't adjusting to it like some lasting pains will do, it's just constantly white hot and I feel like crying.
I watched Silver Linings Playbook. It had me wondering if sanity was even a real thing or if some people are just better at hiding their madness than others?

 Very twisted and not good.. but I enjoyed it. It's like Perks of a Wallflower- once you get past the plethera of bad content the story is amazing and you love the characters. Like,seriously these two gained a friendship by talking about which medications had messed them up the most! It was insane and I loved it!
You can decide if it's worth it or not, something tells me either you'll love it or hate it. 
It had amazing quotes so even if you don't watch it, google search it's quotes and you'll find something you enjoy :3

That's it for today,  here's my story link and then I'm out 

It's not a happy story and I don't think a bunch of you will like it once it gets more intense, but so far I think you'll like it :) :D And look at that Review- that totally amazing review that completely made my day!

Alright, I'm out. Wave bye to the world, Pepsi.  *Pepsi waves bye* You just got waved at by a bear with a mohawk, nothing can beat that.

Comment if you want, Follow if you want, Do whatever you feel like doing. Bye Peoples!!!!

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