Monday, September 23, 2013

(WORLDS LONGEST BLOG POST ) I feel loved even if I can't dance(hats,stories, creepy music, insane commercials, cups, hot guys, and chicks)

30 views. Thirty views. 10 x 3 views. What. The. Bloody. Heck. Oh. My. Gosh. WHAT!?!  You people need a hobby.. NOPE! No ignore my foul mouth, stop it Livia, shut up let the nice people do what they want.

Okay. Spaz attack is over, you're safe(relatively).I'm in a colorful mood so each topic will be in a different color :3

Let's see how can I start?
 Well this weekend will go down in history as the worst weekend ever and naturally time decided to be a snail to make it last forever. My Pawpaw Wes has lung cancer and its gotten really bad really really quick so instead of going into the city for crazy reasons the entire family headed down to the boondocks(the country, the middle of nowhere, the deadzone that phone commercials show) to be with him for what could be the last time. I met relatives I never knew existed and saw ones I hadn't seen in a while, only to watch them all sob like children with no candy...
And of course the sky decided to be gray and dreary and look exactly like those emo moments in movies. Truly tragic. I couldn't stand all the tears and hate being seen so upset  so I went out and sat on  the porchswing(that was actually not on a porch and it had cup holders which made it officially the coolest handmade porchswing ever) and ended up falling asleep in the rain.  Not a good idea, I don't recommend it at all. Unless of course you're trying to be sick so you can get out of something in which case it's a brilliant and not at all painful way to become sick.

Before I go on I might want to clarify something. Pawpaw is not my grandpa. He's actually my grandma's stepbrother who pretty much raised her side of the family and is the nicest most awesome sweet, funny man ever.  The world will be a much darker place not getting to hug Pawpaw. So, yes we stayed there for several hours, far too many and I slept in order to pass the time. When we finally left we headed to my grandparents place. My grandma is bedridden and was sobbing that she'd never get to see her brother again. My mom's sister brought her family down which includes my two cousins and his evil father and his poor friend.

When I say my cousin is pure evil I mean it. We call him Eeyore, which if you look up in wikipedia it says this : Eeyore is a character in the Winnie-the-Pooh books by A. A. Milne. He is generally characterized as a pessimistic, gloomy, depressed, anhedonic, old grey stuffed donkey who is a friend of the title character, Winnie-the-Pooh.

Take out the stuffed part and that fits him perfectly. He's always been a menace but this time he was absolutely horrible. He's always rude to his mom but this time we were sitting in the kitchen and his dad said something(his dad is a very scary very big very don't mess with me kind of man) and he goes "Oh shut up dad!" And my eyes went something like this
And I'm sitting here expecting to see him get his butt tore up, but no, his dad just sips his coffee and lets him get away with that. Un-friggin-believable.
Then he brought this friend with him home cause they had to do a school project(which they didn't do) and he was so mean! They became friends because cousin saved him from some bullies, but now who's going to save him from cousin? It was horrible, I had to smack him multiple times and tell him to quit being mean, which resulted in a punch to the stomach and being told to stay out of it.

Note: Keeping out of it is not at all my talent. Due to this instinct to defend I ended up getting the snot beat out of me, physically and verbally and I now have an enormous black bruise covering most of my stomach.
 Usually we fight but it's just yelling lame insults and then storming off and then we end up apologizing and hanging out and catching bugs or snakes or stuff that he can't do in the city. This time there was none of that, except one time when all four of us ended up wrestling on the bed and that was fun until the youngest fell off and landed on the cold tile and started screaming. Then cousin got his butt tore up and he blamed me for it and... yeah. Thus ends the fun side of him. After that is when he started punching more and I started kicking. Let it be known, he has more bruises, I aimed everywhere, I just have a big one because he aimed at the exact same spot each time.

The last day,  Sunday that we were with them once again lasted forever and cousins and I pretty much stayed in two different areas of the grandparents house for fear of what would happen if we were around each other.
 Then both moms decide to send us out to play football. Here's the thing: I can play football. I don't like it but I can play. However, after such a sucky weekend, being sent to get tackled by the person who has declared he hates me is never smart. For some reason which I'll blame on sleeping in rain, my legs were like pillars of stone, I could hardly move much less run much less get away from the boys charging me.   Add to that that the sun had finally revealed it's filthy maggot-filled face and was blinding me(My eyes are ridiculously sensitive to light) I ended up under 250 pounds of ugly sweaty body and having my face stabbed by a root. My cheek looks like Wolverine clawed me.

When they finally left I texted everyone to stay away while I slept and passed out hoping to never open my eyes again.  Two hours later mom wakes me that we have to drive three hours in order to see dad who has decided to pop in unnacounced and demand to be the center of attention. You're probably really sick of my family crap by now so I'll leave it at "Ugh" and move on.  To close I was up until 3 comforting my non blood related sister and terrifying her boyfriend with my Drill Sargent mode :P

Wheeeee Monday! No one will ever love you as much as I do on this glorious one! Monday ohmygosh Monday you are my love I could kiss you and hug you and never let you go! Wonderful wonderful Monday.

So, at long last it is  Monday, and I called in sick everywhere I would've had to be so that I could spend my time being wonderfully, deliciously sick. Okay maybe not deliciously, that sounds wrong. Wonderfully, magically sick. No... we're just gonna go with Wonderfully sick.

I have recently been informed that I have the head of a hippie and if I had a van and didn't wear so much black I'd be the perfect hippie. I am the farthest from a hippie but okay, thanks I guessss ?

Also I have come to realize that I love hats. I don't know how I''m just now seeing this but I have more hats than I do clothes and i wear them all the time. I have a patchwork hobo hat, countless cowgirl hats, fluffy hats, top hats, and this one totally awesome plaid messenger hat that looks slightly like this one but much more epic

oh and here's the patchwork hat- also much cuter than this version
No more hats.  Okay moving  on. So there's a bunch of church dances and usually I just stand around talking when it's not a slow dancebut for some reason this morning i felt like learning some actual dances to do. Of course- where do I go? Youtube! Google had tons of twerking links so yes, bad google. Did you know there's a dance called The Oreo? And I just so happen to have oreos in the house(courtesy of grandparents) so I ate them and then attempted the dance.  Did. Not. Work. Whales on  stilt legs in lava can dance better than I can, and they dont even have feet! So yes, I had a moment of depression when I realized how truly dreadful my dancing skills are. It's horrific I'm not even joking I looked like a calf who just learned how to walk.  Reaaaally bad, but laughably so, it was fun either way.  Okay my computer is being weird and not letting me skip lines so this next part is going be be very crowded, I apologize.   I'm gonna publish this and then come back and edit it and see if that works any better. fingerss crossed. Yay it worked! But it won't let this get unbolded so... yup.  

Next topic: Poopourie. 
You know those commercials that you kind of laugh at how stupid it is.. but then you think about it and it'd actually be nice to have it? This is one of them. I am trying to move on quickly so I'll just link it and end at that.

Creepy Music! I love all kinds of music, in several different languages. And one of the genres i like is dark music. Music that sane people usually don't listen to, or maybe they do with headphones when no one is around. Not me. I put it as ringtones, blare it with my pocket amplifier and terrorize the sweet innocent neighbors. The one I'm talking about right now is The Horror of our Love by i don't know who(thats not the band, I just don't know the name). I found a Black Butler AMV of it and after twenty times of hearing it I decided to make a playlist, put one video in and put it on repeat. And make it a ringtone. That song is seriously the most twisted, sadistic song ever made and.... I'm hooked. I got up at 11 today and until ten minutes ago when I got the urge to hear Check Yes Juliet I have been playing it nonstop and singing along(poor neighbors). Yes. Something is wrong with me but oh well. It's not changing anytime soon so I may as well enjoy it. Moving on.

We have the cutest cups ever. My dad saw this enormous box of cups in walmart a while back and bought like twenty of them. Normally we'd be like "Nooo we could've used that money on other things!" but these things... are adorable. They're little monsters that on one side have cute faces and on the other have a quick phrase. The one that I'm drinking out of right now is a blue polka dot monster with a bandage on his head and super sharp teeth and he says Think Happy Thoughts and it's so cute and I'm trying to come up with a name for this cup. I'm thinking Freddy. Freddy the blue cup. Yes. Freddy, say hi to the blog people. "Hello!" Blog people say hi to Freddy!(hint hint wink wink comment) So yes, I love freddy and all the others of his kind, they are the best cups in the whole world.  Next topic:

Hot Guys!  There's this anime called Hakuouki. It's based on an Otome game and it is an alltime favorite- not because of the plot, the art, the music(which is great) or even the characters. I love this anime because me and my friends have so many memories as a result of this anime. Ah, I'm laughing just thinking of this one time but that's a whole huge long story. The art is pretty good, I love the music, the plot is kind of stupid...  The characters hmm. Okay for those who don't know what an Otome game is it's a game where one girl finds her self being surrounded by guys who fall for her for no real reason. In this case its a supernatural/ historical story, taking place in old Japan. There's a girl who is the dumbest girl ever. A disgrace to my species who pretty much gasps, runs in slow motion and gets herself in danger to where people get hurt saving her- AND THE GUYS LOVE HER.  Every single one, even the old guys(in the game)! I adore the guys, they're all so awesome and each cool in their own way.... but the plot and this stupid girl... it kills me how bad it is. Mostly we just roleplay with the guys and read fanfictions because they guys are awesome when not in that plot and you can take that girl out completely :P  If you like hot, sweet, funny
guys then this is one to watch but if you're watching for a stunning plot and great acting then go somewhere else. Moving on:

 I put my writing on a site called Figment and the thing with figment is, you put your story up then go around asking people to read and comment on it and then you'll read one of theirs in return. So I have 60 stories up(HUGE ACHIEVEMENT WHOO!!and I had sent around some swap requests. This girl,t his totally awesome girl I know as Persephone was just asked to read one of them. Not only did she read 3 of them but she left the sweetest coolest most encouraging comments and they totally made my day! Then in return I read one of hers and it was sooo cool! A really twisted version of little red riding hood, how cool is that!! I'm gonna give you a link to her because I adore her now Tada! Now you can click on the awesomeness that is Persephone. Oh and add this to her awesomeness: She lives on a greek island! I have a friend in Greece that's so cooll!!!!!! So between her and another writing friend who I found out is telling people to read my stories I have been in the best mood ever,  which is crazy cool after how awful the weekend has been.

Hmm last topic: A super awesome guy friend(you know who you are) that I'll refer to as Farmboy had one of the chicks hatch today while I was talking to him and- me being me- we absolutely had to name the little fluffball. Please welcome Carmine/Greg to the world of the living, the coolest chick in all of the states! I got the name Carmine from Persephone's story btw, that's how awesome it is. Greg just felt like a chicken name, and only a chicken name.

That's all the time we have for today, mom's home and I'm hungry. If you want to drop a comment, I'd love to know some of you 30 people. If not, don't, it won't hurt my feelings too much.

I'll throw in some random images just because

Xoxo~ Livi

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