Sunday, October 20, 2013

Eating Ramen with a Spork!!!(SHORT AGAIN UGH DX)

Just saw that I have my first comment! WHEEE THANK YOU EMMA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !!!!! (She's a writer too, comment if you want a link to her AMASHING stories ;) )

So yesterday was a friend- who is and will be referred to as Farmboy's BIRTHDAY PARTYYYYYY :D
He's kinda awesome so,yeah x3 and it's my first time to see his house.  As is explained in the nickname he lives on a farm and it's sooo not what I pictured, it's better :D
I got to pet goats and play Farkle with him and his awesome friends and sooo many cats and bunnies and bugs I WAS IN HEAVEN! XD
ooh the baby bunnies were born while I was there! I didn't get to see them(aww) but I know about it so yay! And does anyone remember Carmine? The one chick out of like 100 that survived and also the one that I named? Well she's a guy but until I find a new boy name he is still Carmine. I got to meet him/her and soooo pretty! She's a mix of two chicken breeds: cochun  and ariconah(spelling's off but oh well) and she's black with gold and sooo pretty and cute and she pecked me :P
I got to see a goat.......doing something that I will never forget(its not what you think :P) and I have  a new perspective of them. And I met two cows named Roast Beef and Big Mac and they're so cute!

It's 11 and bed time tonight is 11 so I'll leave you with some stuff. - my latest window shopping place -music Something my sissy(not really) drew that I love. Comment if you think she's amazing like I do ;)

one of my favorite photos that I took :3


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