Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I HAS RETURNED! Don't hold back, come on, you know you wanna shower me with kisses :]

JUMPIN JELLYFISH! 106 views! And I haven't even been active!
What the heck you people are whack whack whack- but I love it. You'll fit in quite nicely here.

Now where was I? Hmm Ah yes. I'M SO SORRY!!! I HAVE MANY REASONS FOR NOT BLOGGING BUT OVERALL IT IS LAZINESS1! My poor viewers how did you survive without me? But don't worry, it's all over you don't have to struggle for your meager survival any more; I is back.
Sooo there's too many days I've missed and they're all blurring together so I will not be going by date, just whatever crosses my mind that I should mention.

Let's start with Movies
Pretty much the only thing mom has time to do and dad is willing to do together is watch stuff and watch we do.

So I've been sick- got a tooth removed and that was no big deal but the meds had me so skewed up it's not even funny.  Every side effect listed- I got. Dad drove up here to make sure I wasn't alone and like dropped dead when no one was looking and whenever we weren't asleep we were watching stuff.

Has anyone heard of Premium Rush? I hadn't either. Apparently it's my dad's movie that he loves as much as I love Princess Bride and he was absolutely dying for me to see it.

It involves Bikes, Violence and showing up the authorities so of course me and dad would love it- but I can't see how it is a favorite. The plot was pretty cut and dry, the villian was so psycho it was hilarious. The actors were good at acting and I liked their characters. There was too much cussing for my taste but overall I liked it.

Next was Fast and Furious. Seen it a zillion times so I think that says how I feel about it. Violence, epic forms of transportation and showing up the coppers so of course I like it ;)  Can't say i like the skanks or cussing(which wasn't as bad as some) but oh well.

After that was Life of pi. From the moment he heard about it dad has been trying sooooo hard to see that movie. I don't know if it was just to bug him or what but I had zero interest in it from day one. Then i randomly felt like it last week and so we watched it. All I can say is Wowwww...
I must read the book *o* The beauty, the intensity- the lack of ANYthing dirty! I watched it twice in one day, once with dad and then with mom. Mom was scarred by it-she scars very easily but dad and I adored it(she hates most of the movies/music/ect that  I like so I wasn't surprised).

Then there was one that mom watched when she needed a good cry that's so twisted she won't tell me what it's called -_- If I have to go through the computer history I will discover what it was and research it.

Last night we were gonna watch Les Miserables(be still my heart <3) but at the last moment she decided we were gonna watch Beauty and the beast -________-
 I like the concept but i don't like the disney movie AT ALL and it's one of moms favorites so she got mad and yelled at me for making fun of all its flaws(THERES SO MANY)

And in case the elves aren't any indication: Rise of the guardians. OHMYGOSH IM IN LOVE WITH JACK FROST!  I read a fanfiction called Frozen by Paradise Avenger(It's child abuse and rape watch your eyes) and ohmygosh. I used to read all her stories but I haven't in a while so when I did this one I sobbed like a baby. Then I watched the movie and fell even harder ;) :P  So many fictional crushes, so little time.

Last and certainly least: Twilight Eclipse. I watched it because she falls off a motorcycle and drowns so of course its my favorite of the series. Plus there's actually one decent scene- Jacob Kisses Her (get your pitchforks ladies, an ugly skank is gonna die tonight!) and his quotes are seriously the only reason I watch..
"I kissed Bella. She broke her hand-punching my face. It was all a misunderstanding" Haha whatever you say mister shirtless.

Gotta go, I'll make a part two of this later.

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