Friday, February 21, 2014

Last days- expect a lot of the word screwed.

This is what's known as a last days rant. Pretty much all my friends have heard at least a portion of this. It might not make complete and total sense but that's okay. I could quote scripture word for word but I forget them whenever I try and remember to tell someone so these aren't word for word or anything

Signs of the last days before the coming of Christ:

The weather will be crazy. Mountains will be valleys, flat places will be mountains, the waters will go past their borders, the earth will tear apart, storms will be violent. For example: last nights storm that went from Pensylvania through to Mississippi and everywhere In between. This years weather of jackets one day and then shorts weather today. Tornados, flash floods, lightning storms that look like a scene from Supernatural.

The education system will go to hell in a handbasket. That's clearly not a quote from the scriptures but give me the chance and I could quote stuff to back this up.
My mom is a special ed teacher. As such I get to hear every day about how screwed up our education system is and its not that hard to see that they're pushing the good teachers away. Teachers with morals-who question if whats happening is whats best for the kids- teachers with standards and compassion and a good heart ABSOLUTELY MUST GO. Just you watch. They weed out anyone who has seen how it used to be, bring in cronies that treat the kids like crap and teach crap. The kids either learn to take whats given to them- thus creating kids raised up to be ordered around and to take whatever is thrown at them- or they leave the schools, end up with bad credentials. Some will end up on the street, getting forced into harsh situations just to make ends meet and survive. Crime rate goes up, testing scores go down, the kids tolerance for bullcrap gets dangerously high.

I could talk for days about how Obama is prophecied about, how he's just the puppet and how the real danger is the one pulling the strings. But for now lets leave that bit out and move on.

Wars and rumors of wars. How many people turn on the news and see Bombings in (insert place here), martyr here, assassination attempt there. It's everywhere.

Entertainment: you people can hate me all you like for this. Anytime in history when same sex relationships were acceptable that world has been ripe for destruction. hate me but its the truth. I have gay friends, everyone does. But that doesn't mean im not aware of the severity of the consequences that this land gets whenever this happens. I was watching Pewdiepie play the last of us recap. Ellie and Ryley. Another girl.
Tumblr. I'm addicted to that place but it's really hard because Tumblr loves gays more than gays love gays.
I was listening to Onision and I disagree with a ton of things the guy says- most people do-. one thing he said on one of the videos was "just have sex. quit saving yourself and quit that saving yourself for someone special crap.  just go have fun, safe, condom covered sex." Oh sorry. Please forgive me for not seeing the most intimate connection between two people as just a past time for whenever someone is bored. Sorry that I'm not willing to go find a partner whenever im horny. Thanks but no thanks.
On that note- its not new but there are sooooooooo many shows, so many books and popular things right now that make having a screwed up family seem normal. not many happy families are seen any more and they're shown on the hallmark channel where they're lacking in the realistic department.
Gay couples with their families, Single moms raising druggy kids and suicidal kids and kids that will do anything for attention. Seriously. No. And then look what happens in the real world. Exactly whats portrayed on the tv. Shocking.

Moving on

Justice system. There's no such thing as a justice system, to be frank. Good people make one mistake and end up screwed over for life. Major criminals get two years in jail. It's screwed up and justice is a lie.
I don't want to put cops in a category because I hate when teachers are done that way, but theres a lot of corrupt cops. You can look on youtube for countless stories of cops going on private property despite the right to no illegal search and seizure. There's footage of cops beating people all over youtube, ect ect blah blah screwed up stuff. This one happened two days ago. I've seen cops beat a man with a glass bottle and tazer him repeatedly but this one somehow sends chills more than even that. Because with that it was a man. With this it was a completely innocent girl jogging.

I see these a lot, and its not to surprising. Our government is so screwed up so why shouldn't our local ones be too?

im really worked up over this today, and that video infuriated me so im nearly in tears so im gonna get off before I start rambling. later humans. own guns before we don't have that freedom. take self defense classes. don't open the door even to cops. especially to cops. don't be a defenseless sitting duck please.

later peeps


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