Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Some stuffs

Okay, before I begin I want everyone to go find
It's a medley of the two songs and its the best creation since the spork.
I gots a few things to mention and then a movie review and a few mentionings of things that have struck me lately.
Soooo in church one of our teachers mostly just lets us talk about whatever but he'll occasionally ask what we've done to tell people about our church. I somehow end up being the center of attention at that time. I've got a ton of friends all over the world. Most I've never met in real life. That doesn't make them any less true friends. I never thought I was spreading the gospel, but I have that I'm Mormon on my profiles and every now and then I'll end up talking  to one of my friends. The kids in the class think its the coolest thing and apparently i'm really good at talking to others.  Here's a few instances when that happened.
My Oniichan and I have been friends for years now. Every now and then we'll start discussing the differences in religions. He's not of any religion. He's Christian but of no actual church. We talk about the bible and all the different ways people have translated it and I'll tell him what I believe, which is that the bible is a part of the truth, but there are other books that only we have.  They have a part of it but we have the complete package.
Just this morning I got home from seminary and talked to him about what I learned. Sometimes the kids can volunteer to teach a lesson in class as extra credit for if they've missed too many days. One of the girls who's a convert taught today. We all knew that she was a very bad person before she found god, she says it all the time. Today she came out with some of the things she did. She spoke of being beaten and molested when she was 7 years old. She cried that the most precious thing she could ever give her husband she had given to strangers when she was 14. She talked about what all she had done and a lot of the kids were getting uncomfortable but it was good to see that she's not only conquered her demons but is willing to speak of them, to tell us and to help us learn from her mistakes so we don't make them ourselves. She was speaking and then at the end she broke down crying when I told her she was going to make a great mother one day. Her testimony is one of the strongest I've ever seen, because she has been down the darker paths and never found happiness.
Oniichan and I talked about wishing we had a testimony as strong as that, and how proud we are of her. He's of a different religion but we can both see how strong she is and what an amazing person she is to overcome such awful trials.
My oneechan, Kawaii-chan. She's muslim I'm Christian. We're best friends. We talk a lot about differences in religion, and also similarities. I can't recall any instances that were really mindblowing with neechan, but we talk about it a ton so its still there.
One girl that I've not known for long, a friend of a friend saw my profile said I'm Mormon. She jumped on me, declaring that we're all a big awful cult and how awful we are and the nerve I have to so openly admit it. I was kinda blown away but any Mormon out there can testify to how often we get jumped on, so I stayed calm. I asked her why she believed that and she said a Mormon had tried to shove the religion down her throat and then bullied her when she wouldn't join. She said awful people are in churches and we make her sick. I asked her if someone said every single anime was straight from satan, what would she say. She instantly got angry and said that's not a fair accusation because of all the different types of anime. I told her the same goes from people. There are good people inside the church. There are mean people in the church. BUT! There are also wicked people outside the church, and good outside the church and to label all of us due to something one did is unfair. I told her we're all individuals, we just have being Mormon as a common factor but we all differ. And its unfair to judge a church because there's mean people in it. There's mean people outside churches but its only bad if they're church members....
WIll edit, its schooltime :)

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