Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Two posts in one night.. That's never good

So.. I'm having a night of insecurities tonight. Laughing at how stupid I am to think a guy would ever like me. Like seriously, I'm shocked I even have friends how do I ever expect to have a guy tolerate me? I'm not cute, I'm mean and rude and my family is screwed up so that no one wants to be around me.  There's like literally not a single thing I can think of that would make me even remotely tolerable to a dude. I'm mean and blunt, I'm not attractive in the slightest and I've got little to no talent. I'm lazy and selfish and stubborn and bratty and unclean, what little note able attributes I have come to me probably once or twice a month! No one would want me, he'd never want me who was I kidding.

Ah this night frickin sucks. I'm so depressed and weepy and there's no one to talk to and my notepad app is broke so I can't even type this there. It's been a good day, where'd this come from? I'm so bummed out and it's taking a toll on my body now. My muscles are tightening and I feel sick to my stomach.  Ugh I gotta go watch something sad so these tears will come out and I can move on with my day

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