Tuesday, March 4, 2014


k so two random things before I get into the actual topic.
(btw, appreciate my effort for writing this because every sound of a key getting pressed is one step closer to getting grounded again- but im risking it for you people who don't even care about me/read this crap)

Watching danisnotonfire videos for multiple hours(don't you judge me) when suddenly a commercial pops up for Nyquil. now, I happen to love that a medicine exists just to make you sleep. of course, my body is completely whackand so Nyquil and Benadryl wake me up, but I still appreciate the gesture. Then they make a creepy lady come into some pretend couples bedroom to whisper something along the lines of "we'll give you something to turn your brain off" (it rhymed in the commercial. I tried finding the video to put it on here but no one has uploaded it on youtube yet (YOU DISAPPOINT ME INTERNETTERS!!!)

Seriously. ohymgosh. I get the idea. everyone has had nights when their brain starts wondering what caterpillars evolved from and question their reason for living and can't sleep. I get the idea. but me, being the messed up freak that I am- heard this "with this we'll give you a drug that you can buy anywhere that will slowly turn your brain off little by little until you are a mindless slave to the government and/or vampires."

....and I don't rememeber the second thing. OH! yes I do!

Soooo my friend Kali was sobbing because she failed at helping her guy out with Kennings. I felt stupid at first when I realized I have no idea what that is- but then realized my public school teacher hasn't heard of it before either, was forced to google!

Kennings are strongly associated with Old Norse and later Icelandic and Anglo-Saxon poetry. For example, Old Norse poets might replace "sword", with a more abstract compound such as "wound-hoe" or a genitive phrase such as randa iss "ice of shields".
- See more at: http://www.kenningexamples.

And me and my mom and Kali spent the next [unknown amount of time] laughing at WOUND HOE!
So yes. if ever you're feeling down, just remember that some old norse poet replaced sword with wound-hoe. Now on to more serious topics

Am I the only person who has zero time- but then when I have time I forget all the things I need to be doing?

I'll have a day with nothing planned----and rather than doing all those things I need to do, ill sleep or eat or watch anime nonstop. that's great and all. but when you've got school, church stuff, writing stuff, roleplaying stuff, online digital worlds stuff, homework stuff, keeping up with youtubers stuff, finding a job/getting a driver's permit stuff, having a social life stuff, keeping the house relatively not horrific stuff-- my brain kinda explodes. Oh! and then add boys to the mix. And frickin demonic noises outside my bedroom(my night was fit for a horror movie---that ill tell another time since im sleepy)

ALL THAT STUFF! THEN MY BODY DECIDES TO BETRAY ME AND LEAVE ME WOUNDED AND WEAK. THEN  DAD DECIDES TO COME DOWN AND KEEP ME COMPANY DESPITE MY PROTESTS(when im sick im in a don't touch me don't blink at me don't breath in my prescence or ill go for the jugular mood. he breaths In my prescence)
I loooove daddio- despite all the screwed up crap. but when moms stressed, im sick(which does not mean cuddle it means touch me and you die) and you wanna spend a day sitting around cuddling then we have an issue. id love to cuddle! ANOTHER DAY! like lets find a day when 12 people aren't waiting for me to write something fantastic, when people don't want to talk to me, when im not coughing up a lung, when I don't have spring break tests(satan came up with that idea in case you were not aware). AND THEN when im finally brought back from the brink of death and am frantically trying to scramble and make up for lost time(TWO DAYS PLUS A WEEK OF BEING GROUNDED I HAVE THINGS TO FRICKIN DO!) and he wants to dance around the house to say something im giving up on you. and then wants to tell me how to do chores. and tell me that my room is messing(NO! REALLY? I hadn't noticed! And then wonder why I ask him what time he has to be back at his place. because, no offense father dearest but theres a pretty well developed schedule around here and when you step it all just goes in the toilet.

Oh! and can I just say- hearing that we'll go book shopping and knife shopping and go eat food that didn't come out of a can--I was on cloud nine. I was scrolling through my internal list of books to buy, food to try, knives to buy. WHEN SUDDENLY "No buying books today, just looking."(THEN DONT GET ME THINKING YOURE TREATING ME TO A BOOK!)
Bookstores are not like they once were-when piano music played soothingly in the background an you can find a spot and delve into an alternate universe. Nowadays they have music that's meant to tick you off so much that you dnt wanna stay, so you'll buy the book and leave instead of sitting and reading.. so "just looking" isn't possible in my brain. that fetching music. demi lavato. seriously? I am trying to learn the history of tattoos I do not need her Disney tainted sickness seeping through the speakers(im proud of that sentence)
And now learning tat my breathing atm machine(nope jk I actually am not usually that type of daughter) is suddenly saying no buying books---It broke a little piece of me off and fed it to the piranha that hides in my soggy slipper.  So we stay at the bookstore for a while, then our stomachs are grumbling. We leave and i'm ogling all the places, waiting to hear "okay so what type of food are you in the mood for?" and he just keeps driving and im like uhhhh dad food is that way. "oh we're not eating out today." THEN DONT TELL ME WE"LL EAT OUT TODAY! TRAITOR!
Theeeen we go home, mom needs us to run errands and I haven't gotten my knife yet so we're gonna go to ace hardware(they have epic knives dude.)
And we get there for whatever we need but also for knives, we ask the guy to open it up and let us hold this one. It's a long switchblade, its got a ring right where your pointing finger naturally sits that your finger goes through so you don't drop the blade(like those girls trying to defend themselves against rapists in the movies) and its orange and has a black blade like I love and its SO ME and im loving this thing more than ive loved any human ever---when dad puts it in its wrapper, in the box. he hands it to the guy, "says thanks a lot" and walks out. And I shed some tears. And was bummed for the next three hours. This was the most anticlimactic day ever. im bummed just thinking of my gorgeous pointy lover still stacked in the dark corners of the cabinet, begging to stab something, begging to be held in a warm supple hand. BUT NO. HE BETRAYED ME NOT ONCE NOT TWICE BUT THREE TIMES YOOOOOOOOUUUUUU'RE OUT!

by the third one I was so depressed my food was like plastic and I just sat around like
Yup. Then I listened to Dan and got amused(never watch something that funny when you're supposedly asleep. its not fun biting your lip to keep from laughing and getting a snort instead)
and now im writing this and im bored and gots stuffs to do so ima go now.
if you feel like commenting im not opposed to viewing your words. if not, I will not cry....
goodnight, have fun sleeping in a sleeping bag which is basically a bears version of a soft taco.

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