Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Hot Neighbor, Mauled by a Bear, Making fun of Sparta dude soldier thing dude...

Hello my fluffies, how are you doing today? Good? Fabulous! Bad? Stop by for cocoa and a long chat about anything :)

Soooo the house next to us belonged to a old lady,her husband and their little teeny dogs that scare me worse than pitbulls. They were super sweet and if something ever happened I was to go to them(like when I got locked out and a dude in a truck freaked me out). Well that's not gonna happen now since... like within a week they have moved. When my family moves it takes a whole summer or longer. When these little old people and grandkids move its Monday to Thursday and the for rent sign comes up.

Soooo my mom had to get blood drawn by the multiple quartfulls. My fear of shots is the more dramatic version of her fear of blood so my dad came down to keep her calm and make sure she didn't pass out. I stayed home.
Well they got home right around sundown. mom comes in, I'm helping her to the couch when a huuuuge crashing noise comes from outside. I bolt out in my pjs and see my dad talking to someone in the backyard of our neighbors house. It's a big wood fence so I cant see but I listen and "ooooh that's a cute dudes voice!" I start boosting myself up to sit on the fence and see who dad is talking too. In my head I'm going "just watch this be some incredibly creepy old man with a young dudes voice"
I peer over and....Oh my.

Looking back at me is green eyes blond hair- looking like a celtic thunder bandmember.  Not supermodel looks but I don't need supermodel looks to appreciate a good thing when I see it. Apparently the tree in that yard is filled with like..tree cancer idek. He was just raking leaves when a huge branch fell on the shed over there! My dad checked to make sure everyone was okay.
Once I see mister lovely I run inside(text everyone that theres a hot guy next door and ill be back in a bit and tell mom), change into jeans and a longsleeve top and actually put on shoes. I get back there and dad has gone in that backyard to help inspect the damage. Naturally they'll need my fifteen year old fangirling assistance so I tag along. And try not to stare.
Turns out its a dude named Will.  Me and mom both responded with "mmmm that's a good boys name :3 "
He's going into the military or something some kind of soldier thing in a few months AND HE IS MOVING RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO MOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE HEAVENS!!!! A HOLY ANGEL HAS FALLEN THROUGH THE CLOUDS AND LANDED RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO ME!!! WHEEEEEE!!!!

Yup. Every one of those fit me. I wonder how quickly he could produce the restraining order if he ever found my blog...hehehehehe
Moving on *coughcough*
SOOOOOOOOOOO Everyone has seen the whole THIS IS SPARTA meme everywhere correct? Correct.  Well I watched the Honest Trailer of that movie, 300 and I felt like watching it at random.  I'm gonna do a full review some other day. I wanted to do a full one but I realized I have to be watching it as I write in order to give you a good review for this one. A quick piece I do remember wanting to mention is how he suddenly gains a Scottish accent, how out of nowhere hardrock appears. no music and then boom rock music. How there is no good guy in this movie. AND HOW WEIRD THE DIALOGUE IS! He said Hellofa, he used modern day dialogue multiple times that threw me off. There was even a point at the beginning when I was sooo sure he was about to say Come At me Bro!
Yup. If you don't like completely uncensored nudity, dudes in thongs running around wanting to get killed and a sarcastic dude with the ugliest axe murderer beard I ever did see- this is not the movie for you. If you enjoy lots of gay innuendos while also constantly mentioning the wife and the women, every single human being seen only as a sex object, and ruthless killers then by all means have at it.
But let me just throw in this: You abuse children so they learn to not show fear, you teach them to be heartless, no mercy, and to follow their instincts and you're shocked when a rapist is born?! Wowwww I thought the Spartans were known for their wisdom and big brains(and abs)
Sooo today I went to the Y M CA! A lady in our church gave us a visitors pass. My first instinct was to swim. I was in my old swimsuit but it still looks sizzling hot so I didn't care one bit. I get in the pool room and realize theres a massive pool filled with at least a hundred children. And two lifeguards who were not ugly(IYKWIM)
Theres not an empty spot anywhere! I finally get in because I feel self conscious just standing there. I got a massive bruise from running into the side of the table a few days back and the bruise was still there while I was there and I felt nervous because my not yet tan body is white as a sheet and then a few inches above the knee BAM! Frickin looks like I got mauled by a bear! Either that or some demon hickey. I dunno, it was huge and black against my white and ughhhh I really wanted to get In the water where people couldn't see it.
 I finally get a spot and because I cant dive, cant race cant do diddly I end up spending two hours either only swimming with my hands or only swimming with my feet in a tiny portion of the pool. It was fun, my body is sore from it because the strain it puts when you fight against the water to stay afloat. But I've been doing this with my family anytime we spot so much as a puddle so I adjusted relatively fast and it was fun in the end.
After that I get out and walk on the treadmill for an hour. It was a steady pace, none of that uphill incline crap that hurts me it was just enough to make me tired. I brought headphones and watched two episodes of Friends while I walked and honestly after walking a little bit I got so engrossed in the show that I didn't have to think about my legs and I didn't realize how longI was walking for. It was fun.

Yup. That's all I felt like mentioning today. I'll rewatch 300 and review it fully later. For now its 1:23 in the morning and I need to work on writing Eve a little before I sleep so I'm gonna go work on that.

I give unto you whatever the heck is on my desktop. If there are cuss words in anything I sincerely apologize


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