Thursday, March 13, 2014

Tuhmaters and tats and other stuffs

5:55!!! Last night I did a post at 11:11 and now this. Not to mention this is the first time I'm blogging that's not in the middle of the night. Hiiiiii ladies,gents and dogs! I'm in a super good mood right now, I'm writing and blogging and listening to nickleback and it's just a good day.  Started off rough with mom in a cleaning mood and me just wanting to catch up on some youtubers that I'm subscribed too but then we hung out. For lunch we ate tomato sandwhiches but not just any old mater sammich. Mine was a grilled and and tomato sammich and it was soooooo good! Like eyes rolled back in your head in extasy good. Make ya wanna slap yo mamma good.  The only thing that hasn't been good today is that my Farmboy has not texted. He usually texts anytime from noon to twoish and at six-thirty in the pm he still hasn't texted. I'm trying to think oh he must be in club meetings or he must be busy but a big part of me is saying he got in a wreck with a truck and is being rushed on a stretcher to surgery. He probably fell asleep but it still has a million what-ifs going through my brain right now @_@ Back to telling about my day.

We hung out on the couch with each of our laptops for a bit and then took a nap. Or at least it was gonna be a nap. But the stupid sun was so stinkin bright -_- So it turned into me watching Lush with headphones that only work half the time and mom trying to sleep through my stifled giggles. I watched the No hands challenge and for some reason I could not stop laughing and like shaking the bed with my giggles. Mom was frustrated but then her alarm went off and we just layed there snuggling. Despite this week being Spring Break it was actually really really cold here. Or at least inside. IT was so bright outside that I didn't bother to go check its temp. We got up and did random stuff, talk on the phone and then we both got in a cleaning mood.

OHMYGOSH the most amazing thing happened today! You know those pottery places where they've got the sculpture, you paint it and then they put it in an oven so its all polished looking? When I was 10 or 11 I had my birthday at one of those places. We made jewelery boxes and little kitty statues. All of my friends and I were in the Warrior Cat phase back then so we made a clan, of my beloved kitty Michal(RIP) and then SPottedleaf, Bluestar, my cousin made a loner that she named Lily and then one of us made a kitty jewelerybox that was Feathertail. I remember being 13 and crying because my Michal one fell and the tail chipped and I cried until we fixed it. For the longest time these little kitties were my most prized possession.  Then we moved.

They got put in a box and labled fragile but the movers that helped us didn't care about the labels they just dropped boxes whenever they felt like it and put heavy stuff on the fragile stuff. A lot of stuff got broken and so I just assumed that my kitties were gone. Then mom opens a box today, unwraps towels and all my kitties are there.  It was such a blast of the past, of such a peaceful time in my life. I remember counting down until they were done being burned and I could bring them home. I remember setting them up on a shelf above my old desk then bragging about them to all the neighborhood kids because I was the coolest kid ever with my little Warrior Clan! Findin them today, I cried yet again. Because this time Michal is gone. All of my warrior books were donated except for two. It tore me up and I set out to find the perfect place for my lovelies.

My room is a trainwreck. Not the cute kind with wrappers on the floor and a few dustbunnies. We're talking bags of trash, piles of clothes, tons of papers scattered near and far. It's awful and for a week now I've been saying as soon as I can get into my shed I'll be able to set everything up and get it all cleaned. I've got things rearranged in my bedroom, but theres stuff that needs to be set up in my shed but we haven't been able to go back in the yard due to fleas so we haven't used it.
Well dad sprayed the fleas and today I said come hell or high water I'm getting that shed clean.

I got a pink and black skull bandana and a broom and I cleaned floor to ceiling, dirt and grime and dust and pesticide powder flying through that door. I need some wood cleaner for the next part because right now it doesn't look that good but I can see how much potential that little hut has and I can't wait to decorate it and put it to good use. I'm going tonight for wood cleaner and that will be tomorrows plan. Polish that place top to bottom until it shines, then hand Christmas lights through the beams for lighting, set up my shelves and hang my pictures and get a good stool for the desk. I'm so excited.

Ooooh! You guys remember when I went to my grandparents and all that crap happened? Well one good thing came from that...two if you include all the food we ate. I was looking through drawers for some language learning cds I got a while back that I misplaced(not lost, misplaced) and I found my camera gear!!! The camera that I'm always griping I take gorgeous pics with but can't upload them because I couldn't find the cord? I found the cord!


I've been thinking about doing video blogs for a while now, and with this allowing me to upload-I think I will. Not sure what I'd name my youtube channel yet, I'm working on that. But at least now its not just a pipe dream. Now its actually possible to upload videos!! For now tho I'll just do laundry, type and listen to nickleback. I found out that a lot of people don't like nickleback that call themselves rock music lovers. That is what is known as Blasphemy! Are you kidding me!? How can you not like nickleback?! It's like the most beautiful gorgeous sounding band on this planet. If boy angels sang they would sing nickleback songs. -sighhhh- humans are so weird @_@

Yup. Lets see, shed, pottery, nickleback, vlogs...that's everything. That's all for now, folks! There are five hundred and fifty of you viewers, and if any one of you feel like coming out of your shell then drop a comment about Nickleback, or Pottery or the shed. If you know any Do it yourself projects I'm all ears because I want to get back into arts and crafts stuff now tat I have a place to do stuff. I'll make a post later completely about all the things I want to do in that shed, but for now I'm gonna go make dinner. Yeah yeah, I'll be careful. Don't worry, 911 and poison control is on speed dial in my phone. Now enjoy these tattoo pics that I searched for today.

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