Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Once upon a time.

(this ones quite the strange post but I gotta get it out and I think I've got a way to do it. And I've been at my aunt's farmhouse so expect this to be redneck-ified)

Once upon a time a young lady was born from the nicest woman ever to walk the planet. After a while she married the highschool hunk and they started their lives together. Their first kids were twins but the little boy was strangled by the ambilical cord and never saw his first sunrise. The girl made it, and later on they had another girl. The older one was a good kid, obedient and sweet and well mannered. She did the right things but no matter what it was never enough for her momma. Her entire life she strived to do right by others and her entire life she was never good enough in their eyes.
The oldest daughter went on to get married to a man her momma set her up with, who she barely knew more than a few months. Then the moment they were together the momma realized she didn't like em together and spent her every waking moment trying to tear them apart. The oldest daughter had a girl and from the infants first scream her granmomma was convinced her parents weren't doing good enough in their job and that she should take the child away. She tried countless ways, got the police involved several times. It was chaos and the oldest daughter couldn't figure out why her momma couldn't let her raise her own child. couldn't figure out where shed done wrong.
The child grew older and the oldest daughter fought like mad to keep her child, but also to make sure the child had grandparents. It was hard and awful. The grandmomma went more than a little crazy, saying awful things to everyone around her and driving them all away-then wondering why nno one came to visit no more. Then right after that she had a stroke and everyone she'd hurt had to put that aside to assist her in her time of hour. Had to put away all their hurt and they rallied around her despite all she'd ever done. Her health was awful for years. She was bedridden and hospitalized. IT got to the point she was writing her will and everyone had said their last goodbyes.
Then one day the grandmommma gets really well really fast. She's able to go home, able to feed herself and hold her own books and sit up on the side of the bed for the first time in years.
Her entire family is coming to see her on spring break and finally see her doing well.
They get there and what does she do?? Does she embrace her family crying for all shes done wrong? No and we didn't expect that. But we also didn't expect for her to accuse the oldest daughter of letting me be molested by my father as a child either.

Yup. Bet that blindsided yall as much as it did us. Here's how it went down.

The grandparents made awful money choices their entire lives. They never once planned for the future and so when my grandpa had to quit his job, when all these medical bills started piling in they were sitting with not a shiny penny to their names. The kids had tried forever to warn them but they never listened. Then they were right and the grandparents asked their younger daughter who had money out the whazoo for her to give them two hundred dollars every month forever. she didn't even say no. she said she'd have to talk with her husband, but she was frustrated for obvious reasons that they were in such a mess. The grandmother didn't take this too well. She hadn't even been rejected, her daughter just hadn't jumped up and said "oh yes mother whatever you wish!" and she threw a tantrum. The youngest daughter and her kids left, leaving behind me and my momma who was staying another day. We were baking brownies, momma went to say goodnight to her momma. Five minutes passed. Ten minutes passed. I stayed to watch the brownies and figured she'd just started chatting away. Then the yelling started. I got frustrated and stormed outside to sit on the backporch and wait for it to be over. I could hear it on the porch. I go pacing to the field and I CAN HEAR IT IN THE FIELD. Beyond ticked off I go to the window outside where they're at, because if I'm gonna hear them I'm gonna hear enough that I know whats going on. And it blew me away what nonsense they spewed at my momma. Bringing up that she wasn't there when grandmomma got out of the hospital. What that really means is that right before going into the hospital she cussed out my momma, said she never wanted to see her again and then hung up. Then got out of the hospital and was upset that her daughter wasn't there for her. GEE I WONDER WHY.
On and on bringing up stuff from twenty years ago, claiming I said all kinds of things that my daddy did to me when we were on this family trip. I was like 4 years old. And now at 15 she decides to confront my mother with accusations that I was being molested?! If it happened then why didn't she say something the moment it supposedly happened?! All kinds of nonsense and screaming and shouting and I'm looking in through the blinds at my grandpa just sitting there listening to it happen. Listening as this woman cusses out my momma, accuses her of all sorts of horrible things and then demands that we- who can barely buy our own milk- give them the money.
It was ridiculous and after a while of this madness I finally realized this would never end if they kept up and I went in there and told momma the brownies were done.
ME and my momma have a lot of issues. A lot of the time I think theres not a single thing I can do that will be good enough. But when she came in sobbing about how awful her momma was to her I stopped caring that she threw a fit when towels were left in the bathroom floor. She's my momma and we fight but in the end its us against the world.

And that was the spring break eve weekend. Who knows what madness will happen in the actual spring break.  All I know for certain is that we watched the voice that night, and then  left at the buttcrack of dawn  the next day and we wont be back there anytime soon. If ever a woman should be told to go suck a sock it should be my grandmomma.

and they all lived happily ever after. except...not really.


Somebody make my life into a Disney movie, seriously.

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