Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lots of stuff squished down as much as possible

Before I go on about what's happened in the last weeks since I blogged less let me do an update:

Catching Fire- I watched an interview with the dude that plays Finnick and was listening to him saying he put his heart and soul into doing his very best to prove those of us who dreaded him playing finnick wrong. I've heard so many people saying how good he did and how he did prove us wrong. I went in expecting to adore Finnick and Cinna most. I was disappointed with Finnick and I do like the guy who plays him. He's sweet and he's nice looking but I didn't like him as Finnick. Not everyone will agree, a ton of people don't but that was my opinion.

Aaah thanksgiving. I love thee, but not the drama that comes with thee.
Two things kinda ruined Thanksgiving spirit for me this year; cousins and ungrateful guests. Here's cousins

Picture being up till four am unable to sleep because of a kid screaming in pain[growing pains] and then waking to this

"sit on her. sit on her. yeah A-man sit on her! bounce on her. bounce on her  head. put the mattress on top of her. jump on the mattress. oh shes awake. put your foot in her nose. do it and ill get you a soda! now put your foot in her ear! hey Liv are you up yet?

*insert moan of sleepiness here* "you can do whatever you want, ill kill you for it later but for right now im gonna be asleep"

"ooh i know! steal her iPod and text farmboy!"

*one eye opens*

"you like farmboy right? we'll text him how ugly you're feeling today and how much you wish you could kiss him!"

"he already knows you probably will try and text him and unless you use a code word he'll know its you. Besides, what an idiotic thing to text, at least be funny about it"

*rolls over and goes back to sleep and becomes a trampoline while she sleeps*

it was a bit like that for most of the time. Last time I saw the cousins he'd just broken up with the love of his eleven year old life and was displaying his grief through aggression. This time he felt like a little kid about to eat till he puked and decided to be horribly obnoxious. It coulda been worse I just wish they'd been calm even for a minute. It was loads of fun but there were parts where i just wanted to be alone, or wanted to sleep or wanted to not have my food stolen when they crossed the line. And my cousin has started making pervy jokes then getting mad when i smack him. the kid who is enormous, tall-buff-tough at 11 who has beaten me up for years gets mad when i smack him. wow.

Ungrateful guests: ungrateful is only one slice of this maggot filled rotting corpse covered pie that is this man. So mom has a friend who kinda sorta is crushing on her and she kinda sorta is open to considering him. until now. he had nowhere to go for thanksgiving so her being the sweet woman she is invites him to come with us down to my grandparents. he accepts and makes it a train wreck. i'll only put the parts where he directly insulted me but its the tip of the iceberg(much better analogy than the pie ._. )
So he's been awesome at lunch he was the life of the party-everyone looked like they loved him but we find out later they didnt they're just good actors. Well I come in from being pummeled in football-he's on OUR couch sprawled out with his shoes off letting his stench just permeate the air. the poor poor air.  Just acting completely at home . well mom is on the loveseat so I scoot in beside her and open the can of chips that I brought in.

"Olivia put those chips away we'll be eating again in a few hours you can wait"

This coming from the man who's only seen me twice in his worthless life,  just now spoken to me for the first time.  This coming from the man who has no right to order me to do anything much less involving food considering he ate almost an entire pie.

Mom and me both laughed incredulously thinking he was joking but he wasnt so i tookk out a chip and ate it like it was the most delightful delicous thing i'd ever put in my mouth. He was not amused and moved on to other topics.

He asked me if i was lesbian-which is not the first thing you say. i dont need a church interview i need you to shut up and eat our food, flirt with my mom and leave! and he said it so crudely it was unbelievable!! The nerve! That's actually all i remember but i know he said a lot more, just hitting spots i didnt know were sensitive until he stabbed them. it was outrageous and i left out of that room spitting mad. Throughout the next day he did so many things that turned me and mom off that if he was bleeding i'd throw him into a shark tank.

SO! Get home from Thanksgiving, go about my day. The next day mom comes home says pack up we gotta go back home nana(my grandma) has a cancerous tumor on her intestine and mom doesn't think she'll make it and I also worry that she won't. So we drive down-lots of rants about the hospital taht I wont go into but long story short after many days sleeping in a hospital waiting room, watching law and order svu and chilling with my entire family-including on my dads side-we find out she's okay. then we start worrying that she'll get pneumonia because she's weezing. now all i have heard is its not that but she's not doing well again.


Soooo yesterday was a dance three hours from this place where i used to live. It was either that or be in teh cold and participate in the christmas parade so i chose be around people i know and love. then i find out farmboy will be there. well for anyone here that doesnt know- i like farmboy. like never liked a guy like this until now. sooooo he's going to college soon and then a mission and so i figured if im ever gonna tell him it needs to be tonight. no sweat(correction, a lot of sweat) just say hey i like you but i dont want to know yet if you liek me until you and me are old enough to possibly persue this-us.

wellll i never thought of cousin. well my cousin showed up and for once wasnt dominating the dancefloor-she was sticking to us like glue. me and him. everyone else kinda had figured it out and were giving us a little space but she wasnt so i pulled her aside and told her "okay i like him and im telling you this so you can give us some space long enough for me to tell him. dont drop hints dont say a word to him right now yet PLEASE!" and what does she do? drop so many hints that when i finally say it its rushed out and he just laughs it off and walks away. so me-being the idiot athat i feel liek- walk in the opposite direction trying not to cry. I tell my friends and they say just dance with other guys. then its girls choice so i ask him to dance and try to talk about it but he wont talk and just sings to the song @_@ most..awkweird. dance.ever. coulda been sweet if my hands weren't shaking in his hand and we were avoiding eye contact. then the dance is over and I HAVE TO RIDE HOME WITH HIM so we're packing up my stuff and my cousin barges in, points and says "You two should be together!" and I'm spazzing out trying to make him forget what she just said and he goes "no its okay she already talked to me" and i swear my brain broke. my brain broke trying to figure out what my cousin who has known him for less than an hour couldve talked to him about that makes her saying be together alright.

Things are better now. they're tense but i found out what she had said, corrected it and told him what i had planned to say to his face last night. its better but i feel like our friendship will be tense for a while....

AAAAAND NOW im bored and really wanna go draw so heres a flood of images that i have found. later peeps!

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