Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Torture, Murderers,Rape, Peanuts.. Ahhh home sweet home.



oh, hi. *turns off music* Hang on, lemme get into character.




Why hello my seductive little minx. How nice of you to join us!

-sighhhh-- The one time I promise to have a post up the next day, 5 days later I get back to you. I'd apologize but I'm too lazy. Anyway- HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEK!!!! :D :D :D Or as some moron has decided to call it; HAPPY HARVEST MEAL!!! Lol No. Seriously? Why? Because you might begin to wonder who you're thankful to? *Facepalm*  Normallers... I'll never understand them.

Sooo I promised movie reviews and I'm here(fashionably late) to deliver! Then we'll go to whatever I feel the need to ramble about.

Stuck in Love

Quite possibly my new favorite movie, though I admit that's a result of the memories I have with it than the actual movie. Only two people(plus the one it involved) know what happened but let's just say I was smiling like an idiot all night and I wrote in my [journal, diary, yellow notepad of awesomeness] for the first time in forever.

The movie was great! I liked the actors, they did a good job. Lots of cussing, LOTS of really big word cussing, but, honestly it's nothing you won't hear on a schoolbus or scrolling down a facebook newsfeed. It had me cringing but at the same time I knew it was gonna be like that so it wasn't too terrible.
 The story is a dad who's in denial about his wife that's left him, as well as about the kids and their lives. I can kinda relate to that, since my dad still wears his wedding ring and won't date. The kids... well,
One blames the mom and won't talk to her, the other is so high that he barely registers where he's at when he's around the mom.
Aside from the blantant asking random buttholes for sex- me and the girl had a lot in common. The whole not trusting love, not wanting anything to do with it. The whole using witty, harsh words to keep a wall between herself and the world- It reminds me of how I was about a year and a half ago. And still am a lot of the time. Then there was her guy.. maybe it's because he was Logan Lerman that I loved him so much. Maybe it's because if you take out the cussing he was the spitting image of how my crush (i hate that word so much but I can't find another that fits) acts. Sighhhh Overall it was really well done. I think the ending came a little rushed. Like,it went from Climax-dun dun duhhh ohmygosh whats gonna happen to the ending really quick. No one else probably thinks that, that's just me being weird but I noticed.

Acting: 8/10(all the main characters were great)
Plot 9/10
Effects 7/10
awesomeness 9/10

Catching Fire!!!!!!!

From the eyes of a person watching a movie- it was fabulous. A few parts where unless you've read the book you are completely lost and it was annoying. From someone who read the books it was a good movie, I liked it but they changed a lot. Not in the arena, the arena was almost exactly like the book except for them not explaining some things so people would understand.  Before and after the arena though, was not very good at all in my eyes.

Here's the thing about movie theatres.

  • You can't shift in your seat without someone glaring at you.
  • When your mom squeals in terror you can't pause to laugh and make fun of her so you choose to drink your drink-which is stupid and results in choking. 
  • When you have a panic attack you can't pause and go out, you have to trip over all the people around you, force yourself not to hyperventilate and go dip your head underwater in the sinks. 
At first I was not pleased with the acting at all. Mom said Katniss was a better actor this time around, I said she was worse. Then about halfway through the interviews I remembered that she is actually supposed to be a bad actor, so taking that into account I realized that Jennifer was really good at acting a bad actor :P We actually came in late- due to horrible traffic -_-  We came in with President Snow threatening her, which means we missed the kiss  D8 I'll see it again and let you know from start to finish how it was :3 You can bet your butt we're getting it on dvd asap.

Okay I don't know how or why but PEETA WAS SO HOT THIS TIME! I first saw him from the side and I was like whoa who is that hunk, then he turns and I'm like OHMYGOSH WHAT HAPPENED?!!? PUBERTY DONE RIGHT! BOOYAH!!! -swoooon-
That's not to say I'm a team Peeta but it means in the movie I am between him and gale, not finnick :/
Finnick..-sigh- In the arena he got better but... he was-in my less than humble opinion-not good. Not good looking, not good at acting and not good at being Finnick. They made him a jerk! Like he's a witty jerk in the book but he was like a smart mouth that if I met in real life I would want to smack. Not to mention... he's got a babyface. Finnick is this slim, sleek fisherboy with abs for miles and a very masculine face in my mind. In here.. his face wasn't cute and his poor acting even made his abs(if you could call em that) not even attractive. To say I was disappointed is an understatement. Then the part with him and Mags, or him with Annie- it just felt forced. The only part where I thought he was a good actor was his screaming for Annie. That's the only part. Hmmm.. Y'know how you can tell when an actor is actually like trying to be his character and when they're just like eh its just another job? he was the latter in this, in my eyes. The girls behind me were thinking he was an amazing actor so clearly it's not the main opinion. 

The tributes... very well done. Johanna was exactly what I imagined, except with less of a high pitched voice :P All the careers and everyone were great, I was a bit disappointed by how little we knew of the others but I can see why they didn't bring that in so much. They were ruthless, and looked very good in my eyes. 

the other characters, Cinna and Effie and Prim and Haymitch. I think these characters did the best. Oh and Ceasar. Ceasar Flickerman. I love him :3 I think Cinna was spot on as usual, I'm so proud of how well they did him. Effie was good, I loved the parts where she was in. Haymitch did good, there were parts of his script that kinda sounded pointless. Idk, just like they had him say things that didn't seem to flow with everything else. Prim.... I wasn't happy with her acting. I love the girl that plays her but this time it was like she lost all her talent. Kinda disappointing.
President Snow... his acting was sublime, however! For any of the book readers you know well that there is something involving a mouth that is crucial to the entire story, and pull together the evilness of him. That was barely in there. And the way it was, if you weren't a diehard fan who had read it a million times you would miss it- and if you haven't read it then you are completely lost at this part, like my poor momma was :P  CRAAAP IM BEING KICKED OFF

Acting 7/10 
Effects 9/10
Book accuracy (in the arena 9/10) (before/after the arena 6/10) 

OH! One other thing is in the first movie there was like ZERO music in the background. In CF there was music every other minute and it distracted me so bad. At parts it felt like it wasn't background music, it was the main thing and the acting was the background stuff. I love the playlist but that was annoying -_- 

Real life: 

Had one side of thanksgiving at dad's side of the family on Sunday, spent time with cousins and managed to not talk to dad at all and avoid him(wanna know why go read Screw You, Sir on my figment account.)

Sooooo something scary happened the night before last. Our heater broke and no one knows how to fix it. apparently it's a kind that no one has ever seen or worked with -_- As a result me and mom had to sleep in one room. I passed out quick, then she woke me up at 3 the frick AM with her youtube video -_- I was beyond furious and couldn't get back to sleep until 6:30. The alarm was going off at 6:45. mom let me sleep and I almost wish she hadn't. ... I'm gonna post screenshots of mine and a friends conversation where I talked to him about it because I don't want to think about it enough to rewrite it. 

warning: church stuff coming up. deal with it.

..Yah. Rape Dreams. Rude Satan. Epic girl misionaries. What a day.
After that we got on the road, heading about 2 hours south to my mom's mom lives. We'll be here till Friday <3 My mom's sister and her demon children will be here (tuesday night) tonight, which means a day and a half of time I have to myself. Time to myself involves The Blacklist, reading, writing, drawing, turning on the music channels on tv and listening to Michael Buble and T.G. Sheppard singing christmas songs <3 Went to bed around 3ish after watching that swimming anime, Free for a little bit. I really want to finish that one, just to say I did... but it's so purely gay and outrageous that I can only handle so much fanservice in one sitting. I've made it through four episodes so far. It's hilarious, so blantantly gay that the people denying that... well they're lying to themselves. The abs I don't mind. The tiny fabric they call underwear and the crotch camera views.. not so hot to me. It screams desperation to me, and its a turn off XP  I don't want to see the "supple curve of his butt" either -_- That went above and beyond uncomfortable for me. I do want to finish it because theres a scene where the swim team suddenly can't swim and are drowning, and the ridiculous irony of that seems like it will be hilarious. We all know they won't die, no one would kill off that many hot dudes. Thinking that would be like thinking there won't be a happy ending to a barbie movie.  So laughing at the people that take it serious will be very amusing :3

Get woken up at 6 to go get surgery. There's this horrid stuff called Cold Spray.... it's literally called that I took a picture of the bottle and everything. We call it hell in a bottle. I've never felt something so painful. Like it's a thing to spray on, it hurts(understatement of the millennium) and then makes ya numb. I'd almost rather them not numb me, give me the surgery without numbing me than go through that torture. nah... not that much but i hate that stuff. So painful. Then I put on some headphones and let them cut me open, mess around inside my skin, pull stuff out and replace it with stuff. Lots of fun.

Then we get home, get out of the car and my grandpa is hollering at us that a murderer got lose about a mile down the road. He heard it on the grapevine so we can only half believe it, but even still I'm not allowed to go outside-in the field or woods or even the frickin yard -_____-  Ahh :3 Home sweet home.
Now I'm nomming on boiled peanuts-truly the best thing about the south- sitting in front of the fire and watching the leaves blow outside the window. It's so pretty I wanna go out so bad. But no. The one time I'm around my paradise I'm bed(or couch)ridden for the entire time that I'll be alone. When the cousins come I'll be able to get up, but still not go outside cuz I can't be exposed to any type of bacteria or grossness. The doctor said that and I told him he better write a prescription to keep the boys away. Last time I was hurt my midget cousin snotted directly on my wound. -_-

GOTTA GO. Good bye my sweet turtledoves, I will be back when I'm back. Here's some pics until I return.

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