Saturday, November 16, 2013

1am five second fury(skip it if you want)

Okay its been a rough day and to keep from getting too personal on this thing where I'm talking to strangers who probably dont give a crap I'll leave it at this.

Got on my old roleplay site for the first time in ages and got a message from an old friend. only.... she has a new online name. one i used in a roleplay and when she showed how much she adored it i asked her quite politely not to steal.

For those nonwriters out there let me explain.

OC=Original Character. When a name you plan on using in a published book gets taken- its kinda a big deal. I mean I know i should've known better to even put it where humans could see it... but i trusted her and i never expected her to take it. This is probably gonna sound really stupid to everyone but its kinda a big deal to me and its frustrating as all get out. Thats like getting a company product stolen. like doctor pepper stealing cokes secret recipe. coke has its ingredients on the back so it is slightly possible but theres a kind of taboo line that even rivals-and especially close friends- are able to spot. doesnt mean they dont try... but still.  Ah forget it, that reference was stupid. Long story short- it doesnt matter to any of yall but its a huge thing to me and now what do i say when shes spreading my "product" around as her own?! SIIIIGHHHH forget it, forget it. Just nevermind. Goodnight america, and every other amazing place that somehow finds interest in this madness of a blog. THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT!

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