Wednesday, November 20, 2013

L O K? Not my thing

Sooooo guess what I found out when trying to watch Legend of Korra online?  It has a whole other season!

And I didn't know until now because we don't have a tv. Sooo yeah, brainfart on my part.

Sooo in the first season I was quick to judge, the art style, the atmosphere, the drama.. everything.
I figured this time around I would try to look at it as just a new season and not judge it based on it Not Being  As Good As Avatar TLA.

I am now two episodes in and I realize something. This is like twilight. It would be better without the main girl.  Harsh girl! >:O   Yes I know.  But seriously.

She treats her boyfriend like trash, she's rude to every single nice person, and then she tries to play the victim and I'm just like

I apologize to any of you that enjoy it. I don't. Or... actually I do! Until she speaks. Then it's just one big eye roll

But serriously! I like Mako and Bolin and Tenzin and all the little midgets and the cabbage man and her dad and the weird levitating guy and everyone- except Korra.  I liked her a bit in the other season so I think I'm gonna ditch this cabbage festival and go back to step one- and stay there.

No.... wait....." It's hard being the avatar. " "It's harder being the avatar's boyfriend"
....dangit. OKAY FINE ILL FINISH IT!  But I'm gonna gripe and complain and insult her the entire time.. like right now for example

-le gasp- Whaaat?! you mean the shady jerkwad man who makes you hate your father isn't a nice guy? Wowwwww I never woulda guessed.

Okay I found something I can't insult. She's so pretty!!! ...That's about all she's got going for her though. That and the independant spirit that I would normally love in a girl character but bugs me to death in her. I dunno why, I know tons of people love her.  I'm gonna shut up now..

Please don't take offense to my late night ramblings. or do. Whatever suits your fancy.

Later peeps!

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