Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Skillet, Skrillex,Babies, Unicorns, and other various.....leavings

Did halloween suck for me? Uh huh. Did two days after Halloween suck? Mmmm that was 50 50. We will just talk about the one 50.

Church festival(not a festival its a chili cookoff, trunk or treat and sitting around in the parking lot) and...this is my first one to go with these people and I think I left an impression. It feels like they're liking me and being nicer now after I created THESE BAD BOYS!! BOOM BABEH!

Internet, this is Sam(tall one) Felix(medium one) and Edwardo(short one in the middle)
Dad did the lips and showed me how to spray the paint and did the blue but I did the rest :3 Also- you can thank him for the overalls looking like thongs.. I warned him to make them wider but.. you can see that that didn't happen. Anyway- everyone LOVED them,  I got most creative in the pumpkin making contest.

I'm rushing to go watch a Supernatural episode before I head to WEDDAY night church activities but let me just say

I NEED A NEW IPOD! I'm surprised it's lasted this long but that doesn't make it less frustrating.
Takes three days to charge, dies when its charging and i ahve to restart, dies when i use it at all, dies when i leave it sitting there... it's like a mother; you just can't satisfy them.  Well... a mother who's house is my jean butt pocket........ okay moving on.

I might have a babysitting job soon, fingers,toes and nosehairs crossed that that works out!

Does anyone else join Nanowrimo, get all pumped to write the 50k and then suddenly the entire world decides november is the month that everything is happening so that you can't concentrate on writing? UGHHHH FOCUS LIVI YOU MORON! THE WORLD DOES NOT EXIST OUTSide OF YOUR MIND AND YOUR FINGERS NOW TYPE TYPE TYPE~!!!!! AND QUIT EDITING IT! JUST WRITE ALREADY AND WORRY ABOUT DETAILS LATER YOU MORON!

 I listened to skillet today- i love skillet but I was hearing their song Rebirthing and NOTHINGN MAKES SENSE! Their songs usually have awesome meanings and stories behind them but this one... its just jumbled words and that is not what i am looking for in my christian rock.

i forgot everything else I wanted to say and Dean Winchester is calling my name so I bid thee farewell for now.

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