Monday, November 11, 2013

Substitutes, Sucky Dances, Silence and Scary Scenes

I'm gonna label every change of topic in here so if you don't want to read you can skip.... or get off my blog. Either one. 

 Church stuff
We got a substitute in Seminary today! Our normal lady is teaching english as a second language two towns over and so we get this lady for a few weeks. 

The normal teacher and me don't quite get along; We disagree and she's the type of the person that doesn't think it's possible to live in harmony if we aren't completely agreeing.

This lady though; one of the kids called her a shrink because she sat there and asked us to interpret stuff instead of running around the room and shouting and only seeing one answer as correct. I like both methods but this change is pretty cool! She was quoting History, her hubby is a teacher apparently and she said something about the Cold War and I was the only one that got it! She was like -shakes head in dissaproval- "Do y'all even have history?" and each kid had a different excuse and I'm just like "I'm homeschooled I have it and its my favorite class!!!" And she like loves me now!!!

Oh I wanted to say something real quick about this. Members of the LDS church-Mormons hear a lot of nonsense. "Do you have horns, how many moms do you have, do you eat your dads(yes someone went there) and one is "you hate anyone who isn't mormon right?" 

Today in Seminary we discussed how amazing Billy Graham is. He's an Evangelical preacher for those that don't know and we discussed how even members should really hear what he said. Another is Dani Johnson, she's a multimillionaire, a life coach, ect but one part of her is a preacher. I listen to her all the time, her understanding of the Bible is like no one else I've ever heard, members or not.

Had to point that out cuz I thought it was way cool. 


So this past Saturday was a big day.

 For months me and Lily have been planning it, it's a service project and afterward there's a dance. We haven't seen each other and when we do we're both spending time with our guys so our "Girltime" has been practically nonexistent. This time neither of the guys was going, she doesn't know many people in this area so it would just be me and her and me and her and we were soooo excited! Then at the last minute her guy is coming and I instantly knew things wouldn't happen like the plan.

The service project was good, there were several to choose from but we cleaned up an old, vandalized school. Then came the dance. I'll keep this short: The dance got taken over by 6-12 year olds, i wasn't going to ask anybody so I wasn't going to dance much. I got asked to dance 3 times and ditched in the middle of the song 3 times. The Dj was a jerk. Didn't get to hang with Lily half as much as I wanted. Had to babysit my cousin who I found out was bullying a little girl who shares my name, tried to talk to her and got screamed at in front of people that I was trying to make a good impression. It sucked on ice(whenever something is super good the only way to make it cooler is if its ON ICE!!! If it sucks On Ice then its pretty sucky :P), I came home and cried a little then passed out in mom's bed.

The ride there and back was cool though, I got to talk to the girls who I really didn't know much and it was fun learning about them and stuff. One girl, her family is a bunch of piano playing prodigies and I got to listen on her ipod to her brother's piece that he composed.  Girl in the Fireplace is what its called.  Whoa is all I've got to say. I could listen to that forever and not get tired of it. Gonna ask her if it's on itunes or if he gave it just to her. I don't see it anywhere... :(

Benny-booo! (idek)

Skyped for the first time in years the other day and last night I skyped again with... Benny. He will be known as Benny. Anyway, neither of our cameras would work so we just talked, he plays guitar in return for me singing(I feel bad for his ears) and all this fun stuff. He's really into tongue twisters and so I went to google(ofcourse) and found like a list of 500. There were a bunch where if your tongue slips you end up cussing, or saying fart or stuff like that and he just loved making me do those :P All except one I did successfully without swearing xD

The hardest one he did was this:

When you write copy you have the right to copyright the copy you write. You can write good and copyright but copyright doesn't mean copy good - it might not be right good copy, right?

Now, writers of religious services write rite, and thus have the right to copyright the rite they write....

Conservatives write right copy, and have the right to copyright the right copy they write. A right wing cleric might write right rite, and have the right to copyright the right rite he has the right to write. His editor has the job of making the right rite copy right before the copyright would be right. Then it might be copy good copyright.

Should Thom Wright decide to write, then Wright might write right rite, which Wright has a right to copyright. Copying that rite would copy Wright's right rite, and thus violate copyright, so Wright would have the legal right to right the wrong. Right?

Legals write writs which is a right or not write writs right but all writs, copied or not, are writs that are copyright. Judges make writers write writs right.

Advertisers write copy which is copyright the copy writer's company, not the right of the writer to copyright. But the copy written is copyrighted as written, right?

Wrongfully copying a right writ, a right rite or copy is not right.

This is probably weird but it's so refreshing doing this stuff. In a world where what matters most is Swag and how Gansta you can be it was so fun just messing around harmlessly. This is weird but my favorite sound is hearing a guy laugh, and what hurts me most is a guy crying. They try so hard to be strong, to be indifferent that when they open up, either happily or sad it's just the most powerful thing to me. It was probably no big deal to him, or any of my guy friends but I love it, it makes me smile ^^
Here is an example of a not-stupid person doing a stupid thing.
Me:Lalalala~ ooh i'm in the mood to look up tattoos. Ooh those are pretty, oh wow she's really pretty! *lightbulb* I know! Let me google Girls With Tattoos! What could possibly go wrong? *hits enter* AUGH MY EYES!!!!! DX IT BURNNNNNNSSSS!!!!

Seriously can someone please inform them that being female AND having tattoos AND keeping clothes on is actually possible.  Hookers please stay on the porn sites, let the rest of the ladies with ink wear clothes and still look amazing. -sighhhhh- I should've known better.
Oh hey looking up tattoos resulted in finding Uhohbro's video Emo-geddon. This guy is hilarious XD He cusses way too much for me but I think he's pretty cool. Aaaaaaaaaand there's a commercial about people ripping off the Les Miserables soundtrack and singing I'D RATHER BE HIGH....
 Later peeps


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